Environment Watch

Environment News

Removal of dairy cows from the United States may reduce essential nutrient supply with little effect
A suggested solution to increasing food production worldwide while reducing greenhouse gas emissions has been to eliminate or reduce animal production in favor of plant production. In an article appearing in the Journal of Dairy Science, scientists from V
2020-10-15 00:00:00
New study: Forests are still underrated as allies to curb rural poverty
In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and the mounting threat of climate change, forests and trees are vital for the rural poor in countries around the world. However, the poor are rarely able to capture the bulk of benefits from forests. A global science
2020-10-15 00:00:00
I Am Greta: The coming of age movie wrapped up in a super-hero flick
A documentary about the teenage climate change activist is compelling because it's so unlikely.
2020-10-14 23:01:02
'We Don't Need a Climate Denier on the Supreme Court': Outrage as Barrett Says She Has No 'Firm View
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jake Johnson, staff writer</div></div></div><d
2020-10-14 12:16:20
Great Barrier Reef has lost half of its corals since 1995
Every type of coral has declined since 1995 because of climate change, an Australian study finds.
2020-10-14 01:21:21
Bringing people together on climate change
A new study suggests that engaging, high-quality media programming could help Democrats and Republicans see eye to eye when it comes to climate change.
2020-10-14 00:00:00
Thawing permafrost releases organic compounds into the air
When permafrost thaws due to global warming, not only the greenhouse gases known to all, but also organic compounds are released from the soil. They may have a significant impact on climate change.
2020-10-14 00:00:00
Sweetpotato biodiversity can help increase climate-resilience of small-scale farming
Sweetpotato biodiversity can help increase climate-resilience of small-scale farming, according to the findings of a study undertaken by researchers from IRD, CIRAD and the CGIAR center, the International Potato Center (CIP). The findings of this global a
2020-10-14 00:00:00
Climate change undermines the safety of buildings and infrastructure in Europe
The higher temperatures expected over the next 50 years in Europe will accelerate corrosion of buildings, and will expose infrastructure to higher stresses, thus undermining the safety of constructions. CMCC researchers and members of the scientific netwo
2020-10-14 00:00:00
Climate change: Better warning systems needed for extreme weather - UN
The world needs to rapidly raise investment in early warning systems for extreme weather events.
2020-10-13 07:06:02
Trees and lawns beat the heat
As climate change pushes many cities towards dangerous temperatures, planners are scrambling to mitigate excessive heat. One strategy is to replace artificial surfaces with vegetation cover. In water-limited regions, municipalities have to balance the ben
2020-10-13 00:00:00
American Pikas show resiliency in the face of global warming
The American pika is a charismatic, diminutive relative of rabbits that some researchers say is at high risk of extinction due to climate change. A new extensive review of published research by ASU emeritus professor Andrew Smith finds that the American p
2020-10-13 00:00:00
Winners and losers of energy transition
Drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the electricity sector could have substantial economic and social impacts. Some regions might benefit more than others from new employment opportunities and from reduced air pollution, while others face thr
2020-10-13 00:00:00
Act now on wildfires, global climate change, human health, study says
Immediate actions are needed to limit the greenhouse gas emissions that are driving climate change that helps fuel wildfires, a Monash University study says.
2020-10-13 00:00:00
KIST addressing algal bloom in conventional water treatment facilities
An algal bloom refers to a phenomenon in which phytoplankton including blue-green algae rapidly proliferate in summer marked by high levels of solar irradiation and water temperature. It has lately been raising concerns due increased frequency of occurren
2020-10-12 00:00:00
Tighter border policies leave migrants vulnerable to effects of climate change
New Princeton University research suggests that restrictive border policies could increase many people's vulnerability to extreme climate conditions and weaken economic prosperity by limiting their ability to emigrate from countries that are facing worsen
2020-10-12 00:00:00
'Be Afraid—Be Very Afraid': Methane Ruling Seen as Ominous Sign With Barrett Poised to Join Suprem
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Andrea Germanos, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2020-10-09 16:33:30
Scientists suggest global guidelines for sustainable use of non-native trees
Scientists have collaborated to propose a series of global guidelines for the sustainable use of non-native tree species to help protect biodiversity and ecosystems already threatened by climate change.The new paper, published today in the journal NeoBiot
2020-10-09 00:00:00
Study shows how climate impacts food webs, poses socioeconomic threat in Eastern Africa
For the first time, a research team has obtained high resolution sedimentary core samples from Lake Tanganyika. The samples show that high frequency variability in climate can lead to major disruptions in how the lake's food web functions. The changes cou
2020-10-09 00:00:00
Low-hanging fruit
For seven years now, the University of California system has been working hard to reduce its carbon emissions as part of its Carbon Neutrality Initiative. Each campus has been charged with finding ways to cut greenhouse gas emissions through a variety of
2020-10-08 00:00:00
UCI, others see agriculture as major source of increase in atmospheric nitrous oxide
In a new study in <i>Nature</i>, climate researchers have drawn the clearest lines yet around the problem of nitrous oxide in Earth's atmosphere. The potent greenhouse gas has both natural and human sources and, compared to CO2, is difficult t
2020-10-08 00:00:00
Researchers find increases in nitrous oxide emissions, outpacing global predictions
The term "greenhouse gas" is often used interchangeably with carbon dioxide, due to its prevalence in our atmosphere - more than 80 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, estimates the Environmental Protection Agency. But another greenhouse ga
2020-10-08 00:00:00
Arctic weather observations can improve hurricane track forecast accuracy
Comparison of mid-range forecast model accuracy of Atlantic hurricane tracks from 2007 to 2019 revealed that when strong winds associated with upper-level troughs caused hurricanes to move northward, track forecast accuracy was lower. The accuracy of trac
2020-10-08 00:00:00
Scientists Warn 2020 on Pace to Become Hottest Year Ever as September Heat Smashes Previous Record
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jake Johnson, staff writer</div></div></div><d
2020-10-07 13:48:23
Polar ice, atmospheric water vapor biggest drivers of variation among climate models
A Florida State University researcher is part of a team that has found varying projections on global warming trends put forth by climate change scientists can be explained by differing models' predictions regarding ice loss and atmospheric water vapor.
2020-10-07 00:00:00
Climate change could mean fewer sunny days for hot regions banking on solar power
Changes to regional climates brought on by global warming could make it so that areas such as the American Southwest that are currently considered ideal for solar power would be less viable in the future, a Princeton-based study suggests. Higher surface t
2020-10-07 00:00:00
Phosphorus deficit may disrupt regional food supply chains
Phosphorus-based fertilizer is essential in modern agriculture. In regions with high population growth, more phosphorus will be needed to produce more food. A new study shows that world regions with high population growth rates are also the regions with t
2020-10-07 00:00:00
New findings pave the way to environmentally friendly supercapacitors
Similar to batteries, supercapacitors are suitable for the repeated storage of electrical energy. TU Graz researchers have presented a particularly safe and sustainable variant of such a supercapacitor in Nature Communications.
2020-10-07 00:00:00
Sea-level rise projections can improve with state-of-the-art model
Projections of potentially dramatic sea-level rise from ice-sheet melting in Antarctica have been wide-ranging, but a Rutgers-led team has created a model that enables improved projections and could help better address climate change threats.
2020-10-07 00:00:00
Boris Johnson: Wind farms to power every home by 2030
Boris Johnson will pledge £160m for building turbines as he promises to "build back greener".
2020-10-06 07:19:33
UM researchers help study largest estimated Greenland ice loss
University of Montana researchers have contributed to a study forecasting significant ice loss in Greenland. According to the study just published in the journal Nature, Greenland will lose more ice this century than in the past 12,000 years if greenhouse
2020-10-06 00:00:00
Warmer winters are keeping some lakes from freezing
Warmer winters due to climate change are causing lakes in the Northern Hemisphere to experience more ice-free years, according to a new study. Researchers recently analyzed nearly 80 years of lake ice data, stretching from 1939 to 2016, for 122 lakes that
2020-10-06 00:00:00
Birds risk starvation trying to "keep pace" with climate change
Surviving on a warming planet can be a matter of timing--but simply shifting lifecycle stages to match the tempo of climate change has hidden dangers for some animals, according to new research from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour and Cornell
2020-10-06 00:00:00
Who is driving whom? Climate and carbon cycle in perpetual interaction
The current climate crisis underlines that carbon cycle perturbations can cause significant climate change. New research reveals how carbon cycle and global climate have been interacting throughout the last 35 million years of geologic history, under natu
2020-10-06 00:00:00
Climate-friendly cooling to help ease global warming
A new IIASA-led study shows that coordinated international action on energy-efficient, climate-friendly cooling could avoid as much as 600 billion tonnes CO2 equivalent of greenhouse gas emissions in this century.
2020-10-06 00:00:00
UC study: More coverage of climate wanted
Large majorities of American news audiences care about climate change and want more information from the media on the topic, according to a new report from the University of Cincinnati, in partnership with Yale University and George Mason University.
2020-10-06 00:00:00
Leaked Docs From Inside 'Omnicidal' ExxonMobil Reveal Plan to Increase Climate-Killing Emissions
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2020-10-05 19:18:50
Lighting the path to recycling carbon dioxide
Combining solar-harvesting materials with carbon-dioxide-consuming microbes could be an efficient way to generate clean fuels.
2020-10-05 00:00:00
Scientist maps CO2 emissions for entire US to improve environmental policymaking
With wildfires in the West and hurricanes in the Gulf, the nation is affected by extreme weather-related events resulting from climate change. In response, lawmakers across the country are developing policies to reduce emissions, but the data they have is
2020-10-05 00:00:00
Efficient pollen identification
From pollen forecasting, honey analysis and climate-related changes in plant-pollinator interactions, analysing pollen plays an important role in many areas of research. Microscopy is still the gold standard, but it is very time consuming and requires con
2020-10-05 00:00:00
Face masks unlikely to cause over-exposure to CO2, even in patients with lung disease
New research findings contradict statements linking wearing face masks to carbon dioxide poisoning by trapping CO2. During the COVID-19 pandemic the wearing of face masks has become a highly political issue with some individuals falsely claiming that wear
2020-10-02 00:00:00
Future climate changes in nature reserves
The Earth's nature reserves are set to be affected by future climate change in very different ways. Detailed local knowledge of climate change impacts can therefore make a significant contribution to the management of protected areas and the preservation
2020-10-02 00:00:00
Climate change responsible for record sea temperature levels, says study
Global warming is driving an unprecedented rise in sea temperatures including in the Mediterranean, according to a major new report published by the peer-reviewed Journal of Operational Oceanography.
2020-10-02 00:00:00
Coastal flooding will disproportionately impact 31 million people globally
Indiana University researchers analyzed these geographic regions, which include cities like New Orleans, Bangkok, and Shanghai, using a new global dataset to determine how many people live on river deltas, how many are vulnerable to a 100-year storm surge
2020-10-02 00:00:00
Cambridge University to cut fossil fuel investments by 2030
The university says it is responding to the "urgent existential threat" of climate change.
2020-10-01 14:20:20
The development of climate security discourse in Japan
This research traced discourses related to climate security in Japan to determine why so little exists in Japan and whether or not such discourse could suggest new areas for consideration to more comprehensively respond to the climate change problem. Base
2020-10-01 00:00:00
Ice discharge in the North Pacific set off series of climate events during last ice age
Repeated catastrophic ice discharges from western North America into the North Pacific contributed to, and perhaps triggered, hemispheric-scale changes in the Earth's climate during the last ice age.
2020-10-01 00:00:00
Scientists repeat century-old study to reveal evidence of evolutionary rescue in the wild
Repeating a study conducted in 1914, scientists from the University of Plymouth have shown that species may be able to evolve and adapt to rapid climate change.
2020-10-01 00:00:00
'Would You Shut Up, Man': Disastrous, Chaotic, Nearly Unwatchable Presidential Debate After First 20
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jon Queally, staff writer</div></div></div><di
2020-09-30 01:51:34
Coral's resilience to warming may depend on iron
How well corals respond to climate change could depend in part on the already scarce amount of iron available in their environment, according to a new study led by Penn State researchers.
2020-09-30 00:00:00
China's air pollutant reduction success could make it tougher to control climate change
China's success in improving air quality by cutting polluting emissions may have a negative knock-on effect on climate change overall, a new study has found.
2020-09-29 00:00:00
OU-led study aims to use microbial information to inform global climate change models
A study led by researchers from the OU Institute of Environmental Genomics tackles a problem that has challenged scientists for more than a decade. The findings from which may have important implications for understanding and predicting the ecological con
2020-09-29 00:00:00
Volcanic ash could help reduce CO2 associated with climate change
University of Southampton scientists investigating ways of removing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases from our atmosphere believe volcanic ash could play an important role.
2020-09-29 00:00:00
Is it one or two species? The case of the cluster anemones
Their scientific name is "Parazoanthus axinellae" and they are among the most fascinating corals of the Mediterranean Sea. A genetic analysis suggests they may belong to two different species and, therefore, there could be two types of cluster a
2020-09-29 00:00:00
Disastrous duo: Heatwaves and droughts
Simultaneous heatwaves and droughts are becoming increasingly common in western parts of the Unites States, according to a new study led by researchers from McGill University. Periods of dry and hot weather, which can make wildfires more likely, are becom
2020-09-28 00:00:00
Study finds spreading ghost forests on NC coast may contribute to climate change
A new study found the spread of ghost forests across a coastal region of North Carolina may have implications for global warming.
2020-09-28 00:00:00
A red future for improving crop production?
Researchers have found a way to engineer more efficient versions of the plant enzyme Rubisco by using a red-algae-like Rubisco from a bacterium. For 50 years scientists have strived to boost the activity of Rubisco, a promising target to increase crop pro
2020-09-28 00:00:00
Sentinels of ocean acidification impacts survived Earth's last mass extinction
Two groups of tiny, delicate marine organisms, sea butterflies and sea angels, were found to be surprisingly resilient--having survived dramatic global climate change and Earth's most recent mass extinction event 66 million years ago, according to researc
2020-09-28 00:00:00
New storage battery more efficient and heat-resistant
The more important renewable energy sources become, the more urgent is the need to store the electricity produced in this way. Green energy could then also be used when the sun is not shining. To achieve this, suitable energy storage devices are indispens
2020-09-25 00:00:00
Major wind-driven ocean currents are shifting toward the poles
The severe droughts in the USA and Australia are the first sign that the tropics, and their warm temperatures, are apparently expanding in the wake of climate change.
2020-09-25 00:00:00
New way of analyzing soil organic matter will help predict climate change
A new way of analyzing the chemical composition of soil organic matter will help scientists predict how soils store carbon -- and how soil carbon may affect climate in the future, says a Baylor University researcher.
2020-09-25 00:00:00
Global warming 'driving California wildfires'
Climate change is behind the scale and impact of recent wildfires in the western US, scientists say.
2020-09-24 23:36:11
Climate pledges 'like tackling COVID-19 without social distancing'
Current global pledges to tackle climate change are the equivalent of declaring a pandemic without a plan for social distancing, researchers say.
2020-09-24 00:00:00
Provide shady spots to protect butterflies from climate change, say scientists
Researchers have discovered significant variations in the ability of different UK butterfly species to maintain a suitable body temperature. Species that rely most on finding a suitably shady location to keep cool are at the greatest risk of population de
2020-09-24 00:00:00
Sky islands and tropical alpine sunflowers at risk of disappearing
The plants that live among the mountaintops of the Andes are among those most threatened by climate change because these species have no place left to go to escape rising temperatures. A recent study predicts how well a tropical alpine plant---relatives o
2020-09-24 00:00:00
Stirling experts lead research into impact of climate change on rainforest elephants
Experts from the University of Stirling, working closely with the Government of Gabon, have led an international study into the impact of climate change on Central Africa's rainforests and the threat posed to elephant populations in the region.
2020-09-24 00:00:00
New issue of Daedalus features essays from sixteen climate change witnesses
A new Issue of Daedalus -- the journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences -- brings together essays by sixteen prominent climate change witnesses, representing multiple fields, backgrounds, and generations.
2020-09-24 00:00:00
New research strengthens evidence for climate change increasing risk of wildfires, review finds
New scientific publications reviewed since January 2020 strengthen the evidence that climate change increases the frequency and/or severity of fire weather in many regions of the world. The updated review on the link between climate change and risks of wi
2020-09-24 00:00:00
Air pollution leads to increase in electricity usage, study suggests
High levels of air pollution are forcing people inside to consume more electricity, subsequently causing even greater environmental problems by increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
2020-09-24 00:00:00
Markey Leads 36 Senators in Demanding Questions on Climate in Debate
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Lisa Newcomb, staff writer</div></div></div><d
2020-09-23 20:18:48
Even as Major Politicians Continue to Drag Feet, Poll Shows Majority in US Want Bold Climate Action
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Julia Conley, staff writer</div></div></div><d
2020-09-23 16:09:52
Planet Is Burning, But First Presidential Debate Set to Ignore Humanity's Most Pressing Issue: Clima
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jake Johnson, staff writer</div></div></div><d
2020-09-23 10:08:51
New model -- Antarctic ice loss expected to affect future climate change
In a new climate modeling study that looked at the impacts of accelerated ice melt from the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) on future climate, a team of climate scientists reports that future ice-sheet melt is expected to have significant effects on global clim
2020-09-23 00:00:00
From carbon taxes to tax breaks, emission reduction policies have widespread support
As the general election nears amid a historic season of hurricanes, wildfires, and heat waves, a new survey finds that majorities of Americans are supportive of climate change mitigation measures. This suggests that policymakers can introduce legislation
2020-09-23 00:00:00
Study shows impact of climate change on Neotropical freshwater ecosystems
Researchers from six countries in the Americas explored bromeliad microcosms, showing how drought and flood affect the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, especially at the bottom of the food chain.
2020-09-23 00:00:00
Generational shifts help migratory bats keep pace with global warming
An international team of scientists led by the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research demonstrated that in the common noctule bat, one of the largest European bat species, the colonization of hibernacula progresses from lower to higher latitudes
2020-09-23 00:00:00
Six African heritage sites under threat from climate change
A recent study warns that without intervention many of the continent's ancient sites could be lost.
2020-09-22 23:37:07
Climate change: China aims for 'carbon neutrality by 2060'
China's surprise announcement of a long-term goal to curb emissions boosts UN climate talks.
2020-09-22 21:28:38
Mayors of 12 Major Global Cities Home to 36 Million People Make Unified Fossil Fuel Divestment Pledg
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2020-09-22 18:56:12
Study Shows 'Stakeholder Capitalism' Failing to Live Up to Promises as Corporations Continue Putting
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Kenny Stancil, staff writer</div></div></div><
2020-09-22 14:06:33
Forest margins may be more resilient to climate change than previously thought
A warming climate and more frequent wildfires do not necessarily mean the western United States will see the forest loss that many scientists expect. Dry forest margins may be more resilient to climate change than previously thought if managed appropriate
2020-09-22 00:00:00
Climate Week: World split on urgency of tackling rising temperatures, poll suggests
Concern about climate change is growing, but there are big differences about the need for rapid action.
2020-09-21 04:07:33
Climate Week: Prince Charles calls for 'swift' action on climate change
Covid-19 provides an opportunity to "reset" the economy for a more sustainable future, he says.
2020-09-21 04:07:06
Satellite achieves sharp-eyed view of methane
A Canadian company debuts a powerful new capability to monitor the potent greenhouse gas.
2020-09-21 00:19:22
How to get a handle on carbon dioxide uptake by plants
How much carbon dioxide, a pivotal greenhouse gas behind global warming, is absorbed by plants on land? It's a deceptively complicated question, so a Rutgers-led group of scientists recommends combining two cutting-edge tools to help answer the crucial cl
2020-09-21 00:00:00
Funding climate action policies: Consumers weigh in
There is growing demand for countries to take aggressive action to combat climate change, but less consensus on how to fund it. In a new study published September 21 in Nature Climate Change, researchers asked more than 10,000 people from the US, UK, Germ
2020-09-21 00:00:00
Climate: risks and future strategies in Italy
It could be worth up to 8% of GDP per capita, exacerbate the differences between north and south, between society's rich and poor, as well as affect a number of Italy's strategic sectors: climate change is a risk accelerator for many aspects of both the e
2020-09-21 00:00:00
Corona-induced CO2 emission reductions are not yet detectable in the atmosphere
The impact of the corona pandemic will reduce worldwide carbon dioxide emissions by up to eight percent in 2020. Cumulative reductions of about this magnitude would be required every year to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement by 2030. Measurements by
2020-09-21 00:00:00
How the oil industry made us doubt climate change
Energy companies stand accused of trying to downplay their contribution to global warming.
2020-09-19 23:16:21
Siberia landscape scarred by climate change
Scientists are warning about the consequences of vast swathes of ground thawing in Siberia.
2020-09-17 23:14:41
Climate change: Earthquake 'hack' reveals scale of ocean warming
Using sound waves from underwater earthquakes, researchers can more accurately measure sea temperatures.
2020-09-17 18:14:28
Why forest fires in Siberia, Russia threaten us all
Scientists say wildfires in Siberia, Russia, have been releasing record amounts of greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming.
2020-09-17 11:43:48
Genetic adaptation to climate change is swift in crop pests
By comparing genetic variants differing in the two fly populations, researchers found that polygenic traits led to the quickness of adaptation; many genes, each with very small effects, worked together to determine the rate of development. The research il
2020-09-17 00:00:00
How much will polar ice sheets add to sea level rise?
Over 99% of terrestrial ice is bound up in the ice sheets covering Antarctic and Greenland. Even partial melting of this ice due to climate change will significantly contribute to sea level rise. But how much exactly? For the first time ever, glaciologist
2020-09-17 00:00:00
Study: Europe's old-growth forests at risk
A new study presents the first comprehensive assessment of the conservation status of primary forests in Europe--and shows that many of them are not protected and at risk of being destroyed. The researchers conclude that formal conservation of these fores
2020-09-17 00:00:00
Ocean acidification puts deep-sea coral reefs at risk of collapse
Deep-sea coral reefs face challenges as changes to ocean chemistry triggered by climate change may cause their foundations to become brittle, a study suggests.
2020-09-17 00:00:00
New estimates for the rise in sea levels due to ice sheet mass loss under climate change
An international consortium of researchers under the aegis of CMIP6 has calculated new estimates for the melting of Earth's ice sheets due to greenhouse gas emissions and its impact on sea levels, showing that the ice sheets could together contribute more
2020-09-17 00:00:00
Climate change impacts astronomical observations
Already, climate change is having an impact on the conditions of space observation at the Very Large Telescope in the Atacama Desert. In future, new telescopes will have to be adapted to the expected changes, a study in 'Nature Astronomy' finds.
2020-09-17 00:00:00
0.5°C of additional warming has a huge effect on global aridity
In a simulation study, UTokyo researchers showed that limiting global warming to 1.5°C rather than 2°C will mitigate aridification in some regions of the world including the Mediterranean, western Europe, and southern Africa. However, Australia
2020-09-17 00:00:00
Researchers discover effective pathway to convert CO2 into ethylene
The scientists developed nanoscale copper wires with specially shaped surfaces to catalyze a chemical reaction that reduces greenhouse gas emissions while generating ethylene -- a valuable chemical simultaneously.
2020-09-16 00:00:00
Colorado's famous aspens expected to decline due to climate change
Using computer modeling, researchers simulated how the distribution of quaking aspen, a native tree known for its brilliant yellow and orange foliage in fall and the sound of its trembling leaves, will change amid rising temperatures over the next 100 yea
2020-09-16 00:00:00
Mercury concentrations in Yukon river fish could surpass EPA criterion by 2050
The concentration of mercury in the fish in Alaska's Yukon River may exceed the EPA's human health criterion by 2050 if greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming are not constrained, according to scientific research funded in part by NASA
2020-09-16 00:00:00
'A Matter of Life and Death': After 175 Years, Scientific American Backs Biden With Magazine's First
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2020-09-15 17:33:53
Investors Who Manage $47 Trillion Pressure Top Polluters to Pursue Transition to Net-Zero Emissions
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2020-09-14 14:29:52
Climate change: Warmth shatters section of Greenland ice shelf
A big chunk of ice breaks away from the Arctic's largest remaining ice shelf - 79N, or Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden.
2020-09-14 01:29:48
Dams exacerbate the consequences of climate change on river fish
A potential response of river fish to environmental changes is to colonize new habitats. But what happens when dams and weirs restrict their movement? And are native and alien species similarly affected? Researchers from the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwate
2020-09-14 00:00:00
On the road to conductors of the future
Superconducting wires can transport electricity without loss. This would allow for less power production, reducing both costs and greenhouse gasses. Unfortunately, extensive cooling stands in the way, because existing superconductors only lose their resis
2020-09-14 00:00:00
Mediterranean and tropical biodiversity most vulnerable to human pressures
Animals in tropical and Mediterranean areas are the most sensitive to climate change and land use pressures, finds a new study by UCL researchers, published today in Nature Ecology & Evolution.
2020-09-14 00:00:00
Climate change triggers migration - particularly in middle-income countries
Environmental hazards affect populations worldwide and can drive migration under specific conditions. Changes in temperature levels, increased rainfall variability, and rapid-onset disasters, such as tropical storms, are important factors as shown by a ne
2020-09-14 00:00:00
US wildfires fuelled by climate change, California governor says
The fires raging in three states show that the climate debate "is over", California's governor says.
2020-09-12 11:13:06
Trout don't follow the weather forecast
University of Cincinnati visiting assistant professor of biology Michael Booth studied the migration patterns of steelhead, a subpopulation of rainbow trout that migrates to the Pacific Ocean, where the growing fish hunt and feed until they return to thei
2020-09-11 00:00:00
Global warming threatens soil phosphorus, says a soil scientist from RUDN University
A soil scientist from RUDN University found out that the resources of organic phosphorus in the soils of the Tibetan Plateau could be depleted because of global warming. To do so, he compared phosphorus content in the soils from the Tibetan Plateau that h
2020-09-11 00:00:00
Heated rivalries for pollinators among arctic plants
Insect pollination is as important to Arctic plants as it is to plants further south. When flowers abound, the plants have to compete for pollinators. Researchers at the University of Helsinki reveal that higher temperatures cause the flowering periods of
2020-09-11 00:00:00
Climate change recasts the insect communities of the Arctic
Through a unique research collaboration, researchers at the University of Helsinki have exposed major changes taking place in the insect communities of the Arctic. Their study reveals how climate change is affecting small but important predators of other
2020-09-11 00:00:00
Stark New Visualizations Show How Climate Change Is Fueling Worsening Western Wildfires
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Brett Wilkins, staff writer</div></div></div><
2020-09-10 17:51:14
Climate change: Tax frequent fliers, get rid of SUVs, government told
Members of the public give climate change solutions to MPs, but activists say the report isn't enough.
2020-09-10 06:29:56
Dietary changes could produce big offsets to carbon emissions
Eating less meat and dairy products in favor of plant-based proteins like those found in grains, legumes and nuts could make a huge difference in how much carbon dioxide reaches the atmosphere.
2020-09-10 00:00:00
Climate changed in steps in the past
An international study published in Science significantly improves the potential for understanding how the Earth's climate system evolved over the past 66 million years. The work reveals that the Earth system shifted abruptly between 4 distinct modes: hot
2020-09-10 00:00:00
With World Closing in on Paris Warming Limit, UN Report Makes Case for 'Transformational Action' to
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Kenny Stancil, staff writer</div></div></div><
2020-09-09 15:04:13
Climate change: Former minister O’Neill blasts government "inaction"
Claire O'Neill condemns what she calls broken promises and backsliding on climate commitments.
2020-09-09 14:37:23
UN report: Covid crisis does little to slow climate change
Global lockdowns disrupted CO2 emissions temporarily say scientists but they didn't stop climate change.
2020-09-09 11:00:27
Wild cousins may help crops battle climate change
Wild relatives of our domestic crops already cope with harsh conditions and resist disease. Can we use them to help our preferred crops adapt?
2020-09-09 00:00:00
Iron is to blame for carbon dioxide emissions from soil, says a soil scientists from RUDN
Iron minerals and bacteria can be the main agents of carbon dioxide emissions from the soil. A soil scientist from RUDN University made this conclusion after studying the process of organic plant waste decomposition of the micro-level. Iron and hydrogen p
2020-09-09 00:00:00
Climate engineering: Modelling projections oversimplify risks
Climate change is gaining prominence as a political and public priority. But many ambitious climate action plans foresee the use of climate engineering technologies whose risks are insufficiently understood. In a new publication, researchers from the Inst
2020-09-09 00:00:00
Do as plants do: Novel photocatalysts can perform solar-driven conversion of CO2 into fuel
Scientists at Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, develop a novel "heterostructured" photocatalyst using titanium and copper, two abundant and relatively inexpensive metals. Their cost-effective synthesis procedure, coupl
2020-09-09 00:00:00
Plant Science Research Network releases decadal vision 2020-2030
Plant science research has tremendous potential to address pressing global issues including climate change, food insecurity and sustainability. However, without sustained investment in plant science, the necessary research to solve these urgent problems i
2020-09-08 00:00:00
Detecting soil-surface ozone early can help prevent damage to grapes and apples
Farmers and fruit growers report that climate change is leading to increased ozone concentrations on the soil surface in their fields and orchards, which can cause irreversible plant damage, reduce crop yields and threaten the food supply. Trisha Andrew
2020-09-08 00:00:00
Amid fire and flood, Americans are looking for action
A new survey reveals how Americans feel about adaptation and prevention policies to combat wildfires and floods in the face of climate change.
2020-09-08 00:00:00
Cascades with carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide (CO(2)) is not just an undesirable greenhouse gas, it is also an interesting source of raw materials that are valuable and can be recycled sustainably. In the journal Angewandte Chemie, Spanish researchers have now introduced a novel cataly
2020-09-08 00:00:00
Scientists have discovered an environmentally friendly way to transform silicon into nanoparticles
Scientists have developed a new method of silicon recycling. The majority of solar panels that are produced in ever-increasing quantities use silicon. Solar panels that usually have a service life of 25-30 years tend to degrade and produce less electricit
2020-09-08 00:00:00
Climate change will decimate Palm Springs, Coachella Valley tourism
A new UC Riverside study finds that climate change will have a devastating effect on the greater Palm Springs area's dominant industry -- tourism. Due to climate change, the number of days above 85 degrees between November and April is projected to increa
2020-09-08 00:00:00
Multinationals' supply chains account for a fifth of global emissions
A fifth of carbon dioxide emissions come from multinational companies' global supply chains, according to a new study led by UCL and Tianjin University that shows the scope of multinationals' influence on climate change.
2020-09-07 00:00:00
Producing leather-like materials from fungi
Leather is used as a durable and flexible material in many aspects of everyday life including furniture and clothing. Leather substitutes derived from fungi are considered to be an ethical and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional bovine lea
2020-09-07 00:00:00
Plant protein discovery could reduce need for fertilizer
Researchers have discovered how a protein in plant roots controls the uptake of minerals and water, a finding which could improve the tolerance of agricultural crops to climate change and reduce the need for chemical fertilisers.
2020-09-04 00:00:00
43 Green Groups Demand Moderators Make Climate Crisis 'Central Focus' of 2020 Presidential Debates
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2020-09-03 14:58:06
New mathematical method shows how climate change led to fall of ancient civilization
A Rochester Institute of Technology researcher developed a mathematical method that shows climate change likely caused the rise and fall of an ancient civilization. In an article recently featured in the journal Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonl
2020-09-03 00:00:00
Climate change could increase rice yields
Research reveals how rice ratooning practices can help Japanese farmers increase rice yields.
2020-09-02 00:00:00
Climate change could deliver more sediment and pollution to the San Francisco Bay-Delta
Climate change could deliver more silt, sand and pollution to the San Francisco Bay-Delta, along with a mix of other potential consequences and benefits, according to a new study in the AGU journal Water Resources Research.
2020-09-02 00:00:00
Seaport expansion costs will greatly exceed sea-level rise adaption costs through 2050
Seaport footprints will need to expand by up to 3,689 square kilometers (1,424 square miles) worldwide in the next three decades to cope with the combination of sea-level rise and rising demand, according to a new study published in Earth's Future, a peer
2020-09-02 00:00:00
Aviation contributes 3.5% to the drivers of climate change that stem from humans
Study analysed the individual components of aviation's impact on climate change, and is unique as it used a new metric introduced by the IPCC in 2013. It found two thirds of the impact of aviation is attributed to non-carbon dioxide emissions.
2020-09-02 00:00:00
Climate change: Power companies 'hindering' move to green energy
New research suggests utilities are dragging their feet when it comes to embracing wind and solar.
2020-09-01 08:08:28
Can sunlight convert emissions into useful materials?
A team of researchers at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering has designed a method to break CO2 apart and convert the greenhouse gas into useful materials like fuels or consumer products ranging from pharmaceuticals to polymers.Typically, this process r
2020-09-01 00:00:00
Mastodons took frequent trips north when climate changed
New research suggests that American mastodons were avid travelers, migrating vast distances across North America in response to dramatic climate change during the ice ages of the Pleistocene. The study also reveals that mastodon populations that headed no
2020-09-01 00:00:00
Mastodons traveled vast distances across North America due to climate change: Research
New research from an international team of evolutionary geneticists, bioinformaticians and paleontologists suggests that dramatic environmental changes accompanying the shift or melting of continental glaciers played a key role as American mastodons moved
2020-09-01 00:00:00
Research Reveals Ancient Peat Bogs Burning and Unprecedented Emissions From 2020 Arctic Fires
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Lisa Newcomb, staff writer</div></div></div><d
2020-08-31 18:02:01
In Wake of Laura's Devastation and Amid Pandemic and Heat Wave, Calls Emerge to 'End Climate Silence
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Kenny Stancil, staff writer</div></div></div><
2020-08-31 15:06:14
Sea level rise from ice sheets track worst-case climate change scenario
Ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica whose melting rates are rapidly increasing have raised the global sea level by 1.8cm since the 1990s, and are matching the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's worst-case climate warming scenarios.
2020-08-31 00:00:00
Scientists unlock crops' power to resist floods
Foundational science has discovered the molecular structure of plant enzymes that could be manipulated to create flood-resistant crops, vital as weather events become more extreme due to global warming. Co-author, Dr Mark White at the University of Sydney
2020-08-31 00:00:00
Trump Rebuked for 'Breathtakingly Vicious' Plan for Fossil Fuel Lease Sales in California Amid Histo
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Andrea Germanos, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2020-08-28 15:03:01
Natural disasters must be unusual or deadly to prompt local climate policy change
Natural disasters alone are not enough to motivate local communities to engage in climate change mitigation or adaptation, a new study from Oregon State University found. Rather, policy change in response to extreme weather events appears to depend on a c
2020-08-28 00:00:00
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