Environment Watch

Environment News

Volcanoes and glaciers combine as powerful methane producers
Large amounts of the potent greenhouse gas methane are being released from an Icelandic glacier, scientists have discovered.A study of Sólheimajökull glacier, which flows from the active, ice-covered volcano Katla, shows that up to 41 tonnes of
2018-11-20 00:00:00
Climate change: Report raises new optimism over industry
Cutting emissions from heavy industry would generate savings and boost economic growth, commission argues.
2018-11-19 14:02:10
As climate and land-use change accelerate, so must efforts to preserve California's plants
A UC Berkeley team developed a computer model that identifies the high-priority areas in California for preservation in order to save the state's native plants in the face of rapid climate change and habitat destruction. The model is based on three measur
2018-11-19 00:00:00
Google data shows public interest in conservation is rising
The public's interest in conservation is rising. Based on an adapted version of Google Trends -- which tracks user searches on Google -- the results show that people search for conservation just as often as they do for climate change.
2018-11-19 00:00:00
Bio jet fuels good for the climate, but technologies need tweaking
As much as 20 per cent of jet fuel burned in Norway in 2030 could be biofuel made from the country's forest residues. This alone could cut greenhouse gas emissions from Norway's aviation sector by 17 per cent.
2018-11-19 00:00:00
Ocean warming
New research has uncovered a previously unaccounted for pathway transporting heat from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean, and even further to the Southern Ocean, which surrounds Antarctica. It has implications for climate change and what we know about
2018-11-19 00:00:00
Khanna to Pelosi: Don't Just Create Green New Deal Select Committee, Make Ocasio-Cortez Its Chair
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jon Queally, staff writer</div></div></div><di
2018-11-17 19:32:20
Affordable catalyst for CO2 recycling
A catalyst for carbon dioxide recycling, Mineral pentlandite may also be a conceivable alternative to expensive precious metal catalysts. This is the result of a study conducted by researchers from Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), Fritz-Haber Institute
2018-11-16 00:00:00
Students Across Europe Excoriate World Leaders for Hiding Scientific Reality of Pending 'Global Coll
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-11-15 18:28:08
Climate change: Worries over CO2 emissions from intensifying wildfires
Rising numbers of extreme wildfires could result in a significant increase in CO₂ emissions, scientists have warned.
2018-11-15 12:18:01
'Cut lamb and beef' to fight climate change
The number of sheep and cattle in the UK should be reduced to help combat climate change, a report says.
2018-11-15 01:22:29
Climate change/biodiversity loss: Inseparable threats to humanity that must be addressed together
Demand for biofuels to fight climate change clouds the future for biodiversity, says the Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). The demand could cause a 10- to 30-fold expansion of green ener
2018-11-15 00:00:00
Natural solutions reduce global warming: Clark University + The Nature Conservancy
Christopher A. Williams, associate professor in Clark University's Graduate School of Geography and postdoctoral research scientist Huan Gu, Ph.D., worked with The Nature Conservancy and close to two dozen institutional partners on 'Natural Climate Soluti
2018-11-14 00:00:00
Climate simulations project wetter, windier hurricanes
New supercomputer simulations by climate scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have shown that climate change intensified the amount of rainfall in recent hurricanes such as Katrina, Irma, and Maria by 5 to 10 percent. They further found th
2018-11-14 00:00:00
Climate change: Heatwaves 'halve' male insect fertility
A study of beetles could explain global decline in insects - and how heat can damage male fertility.
2018-11-13 15:00:39
Carbon goes with the flow
Many people see the carbon cycle as vertical -- CO2 moving up and down between soil, plants and the atmosphere.However, new Michigan State University research published in the current issue of Geophysical Research Letters, adds a dimension to the vertical
2018-11-13 00:00:00
Overlooked trends in annual precipitation reveal underestimated risks worldwide
University of Maine researchers have reanalyzed global annual precipitation using quantile regression to reveal overlooked trends. Linear trends in US and global climate assessments reflect changes in mean annual precipitation, but these may not reflect c
2018-11-13 00:00:00
Simulation versus observation
As an indicator of the impacts of climate change, Arctic sea ice is hard to beat. Scientists have observed the frozen polar ocean advance and retreat at this most sensitive region of the Earth over decades for insight on the potential ripple effects on as
2018-11-13 00:00:00
Rising sea levels may build, rather than destroy, coral reef islands
Rising global sea levels may actually be beneficial to the long-term future of coral reef islands, such as the Maldives, according to new research published in Geophysical Research Letters.Low-lying coral reef islands are typically less than three metres
2018-11-13 00:00:00
Climate change protests leads to '22 arrests' over blockade
The chained-together demonstrators are blockading the government energy department in London.
2018-11-12 18:34:22
Fish's brain size influenced by habitat, new University of Guelph study reveals
This is the first known study to connect habitat with varying brain size in a single lake fish population. The finding may provide clues about how fish and other creatures will respond to mounting environmental stressors from pollution to climate change.
2018-11-12 00:00:00
Global warming has never stopped in the past hundred years
The global warming has never stopped in the past hundred years, with maximum rate of change after Second World War II and almost constant rate during the latest three decades. The hiatus is merely a decadal balance between global warming and the cooling r
2018-11-12 00:00:00
Con­ser­va­tion areas help bird­life ad­apt to cli­mate change
A warming climate is pushing organisms towards the circumpolar areas and mountain peaks. A recently conducted Finnish study on changes in bird populations reveals that protected areas slow down the north-bound retreat of species.
2018-11-12 00:00:00
Modelling reveals dynamics of climate change, urbanization and heat-mitigating technologies
Researchers led by Arizona State University have completed some of the most sophisticated modeling of the effects of climate change and urban centers in the US, and are finding that some of today's proposed solutions will provide only a fraction of relief
2018-11-12 00:00:00
Keystone XL Pipeline: US judge orders halt on construction
Trump administration "discarded" facts about climate change when it approved the Keystone XL, says judge.
2018-11-09 19:06:59
Climate Change: Arctic 'no safe harbour' for breeding birds
Climate change could be behind declines in birds that lay their eggs on Arctic shores, a study says.
2018-11-09 08:18:14
Research brief: Farmer adjustments can offset climate change impacts in corn production
U of M research looks closely at the future of maize crop yields with the effects of climate change.
2018-11-09 00:00:00
Making wind farms more efficient
With energy demands rising, researchers at Penn State Behrend and the University of Tabriz, Iran, have completed an algorithm -- or approach -- to design more efficient wind farms, helping to generate more revenue for builders and more renewable energy fo
2018-11-09 00:00:00
Natural climate change has major influence on hydrological cycle over 'China water tower'
Known as the 'China Water Tower', the Sanjiangyuan region is headwaters of the Yellow River, Yangtze River and Lancang-Mekong River. The streamflow and vegetation cover decreased during the end of last century, while they started to recover in recent 20 y
2018-11-09 00:00:00
Finland: Where second-hand comes first
As concern grows about climate change and resources, is it time to re-use more of our junk?
2018-11-08 00:42:32
Amazon forests failing to keep up with climate change
New research has assessed the impact of global warming on thousands of tree species across the Amazon to discover the winners and losers from 30 years of climate change. The analysis found the effects of climate change are altering the rainforest's compos
2018-11-08 00:00:00
Ragweed may expand its range northward with climate change
A new predictive model developed by an ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a climate scientist at the University of Washington suggests that climate change may allow common ragweed to extend its growing range northward and into major
2018-11-08 00:00:00
Millions in danger of food insecurity due to severe Caribbean droughts
Climate change is impacting the Caribbean, with millions facing increasing food insecurity and decreasing freshwater availability as droughts become more likely across the region, according to new Cornell University research in Geophysical Research Letter
2018-11-08 00:00:00
Common allergen, ragweed, will shift northward under climate change
The first study of common ragweed's future US distribution finds the number one allergen will expand its range north, reaching places including upstate New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, while retreating from some current hot spots.
2018-11-08 00:00:00
Catalyzing CO2
One day in the not-too-distant future, the gases coming from power plants and heavy industry, rather than spewing into the atmosphere, could be captured and chemically transformed from greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into industrial fuels or chemical
2018-11-08 00:00:00
Climate change: Bug covered 'bionic mushroom' generates clean energy
Mushrooms for lunch inspire scientists to try to generate electricity from a fungus covered in bacteria.
2018-11-07 17:42:34
Saving Planet With 'Green New Deal' Proves Popular as Climate Hawks Celebrate Midterm Victories
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-11-07 14:26:57
Climate change causing more severe wildfires, larger insect outbreaks in temperate forests
A warmer, drier climate is expected is increase the likelihood of larger-scale forest disturbances such as wildfires, insect outbreaks, disease and drought, according to a new study co-authored by a Portland State University professor
2018-11-07 00:00:00
Graphene takes a step towards renewable fuel
Researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, are working to develop a method to convert water and carbon dioxide to the renewable energy of the future, using the energy from the sun and graphene applied to the surface of cubic silicon carbide. They h
2018-11-07 00:00:00
Ben-Gurion University research leads to first nationwide sunscreen chemicals ban in Palau
'We are pleased to see that governments are using scientific research conducted at Ben-Gurion University to protect the delicate coral reef systems and ocean wildlife that are already under significant stress from climate change,' says Prof. Kushmaro.
2018-11-07 00:00:00
Financial giants can have a pivotal role for climate stability
Banks, pension funds and other institutional investors have a key role to play in efforts to avoid dangerous climate change. A limited number of these investors have considerable influence over the Amazon rainforest and boreal forests that are known 'tipp
2018-11-07 00:00:00
What High Turnout Looks Like: Unusually High Enthusiasm Reported at Polling Sites Nationwide
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Julia Conley, staff writer</div></div></div><d
2018-11-06 17:32:29
Tropical mountain species in the crosshairs of climate change
Lack of varied seasons and temperatures in tropical mountains have led to species that are highly adapted to their narrow niches, creating the right conditions for new species to arise in these areas, according to a new study published in the Proceedings
2018-11-06 00:00:00
Big Oil Spending Tens of Millions to Defeat Washington State's Groundbreaking Carbon Fee Initiative
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Andrea Germanos, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-11-05 18:58:09
Could climate change trigger the return of eradicated mosquito-related disease?
The largest ever study of the mosquito evolutionary tree, going back 195 million years, suggests that present-day climate change could result in the spread and return of dangerous mosquito-borne diseases to new places or areas where they had previously be
2018-11-05 00:00:00
Could rising CO2 trigger return of eradicated mosquito-related disease?
A new study shows for the first time the impact that climate change is having on the rate in which mosquitos diversify, and what this might mean for human health in the future.
2018-11-05 00:00:00
Wealthier people do less in the struggle against climate change
A collective-risk dilemma experiment with members of the public in Barcelona has shown that people are more or less likely to contribute money to fighting climate change depending on their how wealthy they are. And the results indicate that participants w
2018-11-05 00:00:00
A faster, cheaper path to fusion energy
Scientists are working to dramatically speed up the development of fusion energy in an effort to deliver power to the electric grid soon enough to help mitigate impacts of climate change. The arrival of a breakthrough technology -- high-temperature superc
2018-11-05 00:00:00
Deleted? Under Trump, EPA Website's Climate Section Is "Page Not Found"
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Andrea Germanos, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-11-02 20:55:56
NUS researchers turn plastic bottle waste into ultralight supermaterial
A team led by researchers from the National University of Singapore has found a way to turn plastic bottle waste into ultralight polyethylene terephthalate (PET) aerogels that are suitable for various applications, including heat insulation and carbon dio
2018-11-02 00:00:00
Racial, ethnic minorities face greater vulnerability to wildfires
Massive wildfires, which may be getting more intense across the US due to climate change and a long history of fire-suppression policies, have strikingly unequal effects on minority communities, a new study shows.
2018-11-02 00:00:00
Climate change: Oceans 'soaking up more heat than estimated'
The Earth is far more sensitive to fossil fuel emissions than previously thought, a study says.
2018-11-01 00:32:17
'Robust' corals primed to resist coral bleaching
A world-first study reveals that 'robust' reef-building corals are the only known organisms in the animal kingdom to make one of the 'essential' amino acids, which may make them less susceptible than other corals to global warming.
2018-11-01 00:00:00
The materials engineers are developing environmentally friendly materials
Recently the research article "A method for producing conductive graphene biopolymer nanofibrous fabrics by exploitation of an ionic liquid dispersant in electrospinning" written by the researchers of Tallinn University of Technology was publish
2018-10-31 00:00:00
Are we losing one of our biggest CO2 sinks?
Seagrasses help to buffer against climate change, but we are losing a soccer field size seagrass area every 30 minutes.
2018-10-31 00:00:00
How plants cope with stress
With climate change comes drought, and with drought comes higher salt concentrations in the soil. A team led by University of Pennsylvania scientists have identified a mechanism by which plants respond to salt stress, a pathway that could be targeted to e
2018-10-30 00:00:00
Climate change is 'escalator to extinction' for mountain birds
A new study shows that rising temperatures drive the disappearance of mountain-top bird species in Peru.
2018-10-29 20:00:36
Climate change: 'Wetlands vital to protect cities'
Urban areas need to cherish wetlands as a natural defence against flooding, experts warn.
2018-10-29 14:30:52
Ben-Gurion University researchers achieve breakthrough in process to produce hydrogen fuel
"This discovery could have a significant impact on efforts to replace carbon-based fuels with more environmentally friendly hydrogen fuels. Auto manufacturers seek to develop hydrogen-powered vehicles that are considered efficient and environmentally
2018-10-29 00:00:00
'Milder' ammonia synthesis method should help environment
A Chinese research team has developed a "milder" way to synthesize ammonia by requiring lower temperature and pressure than the current method. The process offers great promise for saving energy and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
2018-10-29 00:00:00
Study reveals how soil bacteria are primed to consume greenhouse gas
New research has revealed that some soil bacteria are primed ready to consume the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide when they experience life without oxygen in the environment.
2018-10-29 00:00:00
Bitcoin can push global warming above 2 degrees C in a couple decades
The electricity requirements of Bitcoin have created considerable difficulties, and extensive online discussion, about where to put the facilities or rings that compute the proof-of-work of Bitcoin. A somewhat less discussed issue is the environmental imp
2018-10-29 00:00:00
Improving climate models to account for plant behavior yields 'goodish' news
Climate scientists have not been properly accounting for what plants do at night, and that, it turns out, is a mistake. A new study from the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has found that plant nutrient uptake i
2018-10-29 00:00:00
Climate change a threat to even the most tolerant oysters
Climate change-associated severe weather events may cause flooding that threatens the survival of the Olympia oyster, new research suggests. The findings will be presented today at the American Physiological Society's (APS) Comparative Physiology: Complex
2018-10-27 00:00:00
Climate change: Low cost, low energy cooling system shows promise
"Water cooler moment" as greener cooling idea is scaled up to help chill homes and buildings.
2018-10-26 18:21:23
'Warning Bells Going Off' as NOAA Forecasts Entire Great Barrier Reef at Risk of Coral Bleaching and
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-10-26 15:52:53
First study on climate change impact in Mediterranean
As the Mediterranean Basin is experiencing the impact of climate change more than ever, an international network of scientists has worked together to synthesize the effects of climate change and environmental problems, as well as the incurred risks, in th
2018-10-26 00:00:00
Researchers observe how Canadian and Californian rainbow trout respond to higher temps
Natural variation may help decide which rainbow trout strains are likely to survive worldwide global warming, according to a new study. The findings will be presented today at the American Physiological Society's (APS) Comparative Physiology: Complexity a
2018-10-26 00:00:00
'Like a Small War Just Passed Through': Super Typhoon Yutu Leaves US Islands in Pacific 'Mangled'
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-10-25 20:00:26
CCNY finds K-core as a predictor of structural collapse in mutualistic ecosystems
A network metric called the K-core could predict structural collapse in mutualistic ecosystems, according to research by physicists at The City College of New York. The K-core appears able to forecast which species is likely to face extinction first, by g
2018-10-25 00:00:00
Can we limit global warming to 1.5 °C?
Efforts to combat climate change tend to focus on supply-side changes, such as shifting to renewable or cleaner energy. In a Special Issue in the Energy Efficiency Journal that follows the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 degrees C, researcher
2018-10-25 00:00:00
Climate change: Five cheap ways to remove CO2 from the atmosphere
A new US study says that several low-cost technologies can be deployed right now to limit global warming.
2018-10-24 23:56:05
Kurtis Baute: Scientist leaves airtight dome after 15 hours
Kurtis Baute spent 15 hours in an airtight dome to raise awareness about climate change.
2018-10-24 23:21:58
'Wow Wow Wow... Huge News' as New York Sues ExxonMobil for Defrauding Investors by Hiding Climate Th
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-10-24 19:25:12
Hawaiian Island Swallowed Up By Rising Seas After Hurricane Walaka Reveals 'What the Future Could Lo
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-10-24 17:52:42
Researchers develop an operative complex scheme for short-range weather forecasts
Staff members from the Higher School of Economics and the Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia have proposed a new operative scheme for the short-range complex forecasting of wind and possible gusts, surface air temperature, and humidity. The results, i.e
2018-10-24 00:00:00
Marine algae bloom-derived biotoxins alter development of zooplankton and ocean food web
UB warns on climate change-related microalgal blooms affecting marine ecosystems
2018-10-24 00:00:00
Climate change: US desert areas to become even drier
Geologists from the University of Innsbruck study rainfall patterns in the distant past to better understand how deserts in the southwest United States will be impacted by future climate change.
2018-10-24 00:00:00
Rewilding landscapes can help to solve more than one problem
Urbanisation, biodiversity loss, climate change: just some of the worldwide problems 'rewilding' -- i.e. restoring food chains by returning 'missing' species to the landscape -- can help tackle. Researcher Liesbeth Bakker (NIOO-KNAW) has edited a theme is
2018-10-23 00:00:00
Nitrogen study casts doubt on ability of plants to continue absorbing same amounts of CO2
A new study casts doubt as to whether plants will continue to absorb as much carbon dioxide in the future as they have in the past due to declining availability of nitrogen in certain parts of the world.
2018-10-23 00:00:00
Climate change, rising sea levels a threat to farmers in Bangladesh
Rising sea levels driven by climate change make for salty soil, and that is likely to force about 200,000 coastal farmers in Bangladesh inland as glaciers melt into the world's oceans, according to estimates from a new study.
2018-10-23 00:00:00
Climate change and African trypanosomiasis vector populations in Zimbabwe's Zambezi Valley
LSTM's Dr Jennifer Lord is first author on a paper looking at the impact of climate change on the vectors of sleeping sickness in Africa.
2018-10-23 00:00:00
For a lower climate footprint, vegetarian diet beats local
A new study provides a more comprehensive accounting of the greenhouse gas emissions from EU diets. It shows that meat and dairy products are responsible for the lion's share of greenhouse emissions from the EU diet.
2018-10-23 00:00:00
Anti-plastic focus 'dangerous distraction' from climate change
Riverford vegetable box boss says more focus should be on cutting carbon, not demonising plastic.
2018-10-22 17:41:35
Study finds availability of nitrogen to plants is declining as climate warms
Researchers have found that global changes, including warming temperatures and increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, are causing a decrease in the availability of a key nutrient for terrestrial plants. This could affect the ability of fore
2018-10-22 00:00:00
Fish give up the fight after coral bleaching
Researchers found that when water temperatures heat up for corals, fish 'tempers' cool down, providing the first clear evidence of coral bleaching serving as a trigger for rapid change in reef fish behavior. Publishing in Nature Climate Change this week,
2018-10-22 00:00:00
Rising temperatures and human activity are increasing storm runoff and flash floods
Columbia Engineering researchers have demonstrated for the first time that runoff extremes have been dramatically increasing in response to climate and human-induced changes. Their findings show a large increase in both precipitation and runoff extremes d
2018-10-22 00:00:00
Teen Climate Activist to Crowd of Thousands: 'We Can't Save the World by Playing by the Rules Becaus
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-10-20 19:54:36
'Disgraceful and Enraging': Supreme Court Halts Youth Climate Case After Last-Ditch Trump Effort to
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-10-20 13:05:08
'Are You Kidding Me?' Outrage as Democrats Push 'Incremental Steps' Over Bold Agenda Needed to Save
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jake Johnson, staff writer</div></div></div><d
2018-10-18 11:23:02
New fly species found in Indiana may indicate changing climate, says IUPUI researcher
A new type of blow fly spotted in Indiana points to shifting species populations due to climate change. Researchers at IUPUI have observed the first evidence of Lucilia cuprina in Indiana, an insect previously known to populate southern states from Virgin
2018-10-18 00:00:00
Estimating the feeding habits of corals may offer new insights on resilient reefs
Researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and colleagues have found that corals living in more productive waters take advantage of the increased food availability. The findings reevaluate scientific understanding of how corals survive and could a
2018-10-18 00:00:00
Working lands play a key role in protecting biodiversity
Diversifying working lands -- including farmland, rangeland and forests -- may be key to preserving biodiversity in the face of climate change, says a new review paper published this week in Science by biologists at the University of California, Berkeley.
2018-10-18 00:00:00
Wind farms and reducing hurricane precipitation
New research reveals an unexpected benefit of large-scale offshore wind farms: the ability to lessen precipitation from hurricanes.
2018-10-17 00:00:00
Can forests save us from climate change?
Additional climate benefits through sustainable forest management will be modest and local rather than global. Even if Europe's forests are managed in such a way that their carbon sequestration is maximized it will not impact the climate significantly.
2018-10-16 00:00:00
Climate changes require better adaptation to drought
Europe's future climate will be characterised by more frequent heat waves and more widespread drought. Heat and drought will both challenge crop production, but drought in particular will be a problem -- especially for spring sown crops such as maize.
2018-10-16 00:00:00
Climate models fail to simulate recent air-pressure changes over Greenland
Climatologists may be unable to accurately predict regional climate change over the North Atlantic because computer simulations have failed to include real data from the Greenland region over the last three decades -- and it could lead to regional climate
2018-10-16 00:00:00
Trump: Climate change scientists have 'political agenda'
The US president says he accepts the climate is changing but does not want to "lose millions of jobs".
2018-10-15 09:48:35
Sea snail shells dissolve in increasingly acidified oceans, study shows
Shelled marine creatures living in increasingly acidified oceans face a fight for survival as the impacts of climate change spread, a new study suggests.
2018-10-15 00:00:00
New interactive scenario explorer for 1.5 degrees C pathways
IIASA and the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) have made the scenarios underlying last week's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 1.5 degrees C Special Report publicly available, in an interactive online resource. The resource
2018-10-15 00:00:00
Getting a longer heads-up on El Niño
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) leads to extreme climatic variations called El Niño and La Niña that cause dangerous weather conditions in many regions throughout the world. Currently, a reliable forecast of the ENSO phases can be made
2018-10-15 00:00:00
With Planet in 'Crisis Mode,' Bernie Sanders Rips Trump White House for 'Dangerous' Dismissal of Cli
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jake Johnson, staff writer</div></div></div><d
2018-10-14 16:36:22
Six climate questions for 'Green GB'
Cars, planes, heating, fracking and food will come under scrutiny as the UK bids to keep climate change to 1.5C.
2018-10-11 23:37:48
To Save the Planet From Climate Catastrophe, New Study Says Put Down the Damn Meat
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-10-11 14:27:33
Children on the frontline of climate change
The frightening impact of global warming is seen in drawings by schoolchildren in Vietnam's Mekong Delta.
2018-10-11 00:06:46
Self-healing material can build itself from carbon in the air
A new material developed at MIT can mimic plants by taking carbon dioxide from the air and turning it into a useful solid material, potentially helping in the battle against global climate change.
2018-10-11 00:00:00
Geoengineering, other technologies won't solve climate woes
The IPCC report released in early October underscored the need to act quickly to cut greenhouse gas emissions before the planet's temperatures rise to an unacceptable level. A new study published in Nature Communications says that geoengineering or other
2018-10-11 00:00:00
WSU Vancouver climate scientist sees stage set for reprise of worst known drought, famine
A Washington StateUniversity researcher has completed themost thorough analysis yet of The GreatDrought -- the most devastating knowndrought of the past 800 years -- and how itled to the Global Famine, anunprecedented disaster that took 50million lives.Sh
2018-10-11 00:00:00
Innovative sensing technique could improve greenhouse gas analysis
An international team of researchers has used an unconventional imaging technique known as ghost imaging to make spectroscopic measurements of a gas molecule.
2018-10-10 00:00:00
Role of 'natural factors' on recent climate change underestimated, research shows
Pioneering new research has given a new perspective on the crucial role that 'natural factors' play in global warming.
2018-10-10 00:00:00
Understanding catalysts at the atomic level can provide a cleaner environment
By studying materials down to the atomic level, researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, have found a way to make catalysts more efficient and environmentally friendly. The results have been published in Nature Communications. The methods
2018-10-10 00:00:00
When It Comes to Climate Crisis and Kavanaugh's First Day on the Supreme Court, "It's Not Very Promi
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Julia Conley, staff writer</div></div></div><d
2018-10-09 20:59:39
What's Not in the Latest Terrifying IPCC Report? The "Much, Much, Much More Terrifying" New Research
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jon Queally, staff writer</div></div></div><di
2018-10-09 20:47:13
'This Is a Scam': ExxonMobil-Backed Carbon Tax Will Not Save the Planet
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-10-09 19:02:04
Australia defies climate warning to back coal
The Australian government has backed coal-fired power despite the recommendations of a major report on climate change.
2018-10-09 14:35:45
'One for the History Books!': Dutch Court Puts World on Notice by Ordering Government to Move Faster
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-10-09 12:57:28
Wind holds key to climate change turnaround
Research co-led by a University of Delaware professor could help bring about the kind of far-reaching changes deemed necessary in the UN's dire new climate change report. He found that when westerly winds in the Antarctic Ocean strengthen during the austr
2018-10-09 00:00:00
New York City area wetlands may be unwitting generator of greenhouse gasses
A new study from researchers at The Graduate Center of The City University of New York suggests that New York City-area wetlands are capable of using CSO inputs in a manner that actually increases greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide and methan
2018-10-09 00:00:00
This bacterium gets paid in gold
UC Berkeley and Berkeley Lab scientists have placed light-absorbing gold nanoclusters inside a bacterium, creating a biohybrid system that produces a higher yield of chemical products, such as biofuels, than previously demonstrated. The biohybrid captures
2018-10-09 00:00:00
Maximizing the carbon and biodiversity benefits of restoration along rivers and streams
Restoring forests has become a world-wide strategy for simultaneously addressing the challenges of climate change and biodiversity conservation. In a new study, scientists at Point Blue Conservation Science assessed how successful restoration efforts in C
2018-10-09 00:00:00
IIASA contributes to IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 degrees C
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has published its Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 degrees C, a new assessment on minimizing global warming, and multiple IIASA researchers were involved in its production.
2018-10-09 00:00:00
'Sentinels of the sea' at risk from changing climate
Climate change's effect on coastal ecosystems is very likely to increase mortality risks of adult oyster populations in the next 20 years. That is the finding of a new study led by the University of Nantes, the LEMAR (the Marine Environmental Science Labo
2018-10-09 00:00:00
HKBU scholar discovers strong evidence for links between drying climate and human evolution
Professor Richard Bernhart Owen of the HKBU Department of Geography has analysed African lake sedimentary cores and established connections between a drying climate and technological and evolutionary changes in early humans.
2018-10-09 00:00:00
Climate change: How 1.5 degrees could change the world
Why it's vital we take steps to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees
2018-10-08 20:44:10
Climate change: What would you be prepared to do?
Here's five things we can do to help prevent global temperatures rising more than 1.5 degrees C.
2018-10-08 20:35:09
As UN Report Warns of Looming Climate Catastrophe, 13 Stories From Front Lines of Fight for Fossil-F
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-10-08 20:04:39
UN Experts Warn of 'Climate Catastrophe' by 2040 Without 'Rapid' and 'Unprecedented' Global Action
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-10-08 13:14:40
Climate takeaways
The most important messages from the landmark report on global warming.
2018-10-08 10:41:45
Climate report: Scientists urge deep rapid change to limit warming
A new study urges rapid and fundamental changes "in all aspects of society" to limit climate warming.
2018-10-08 01:00:12
Global sea level could rise 50 feet by 2300, study says
Global average sea-level could rise by nearly 8 feet by 2100 and 50 feet by 2300 if greenhouse gas emissions remain high and humanity proves unlucky, according to a review of sea-level change and projections by Rutgers and other scientists.
2018-10-08 00:00:00
Lessons from the 1918 flu pandemic, 100 years on
With flu season nearly upon us, a new study looks at the factors behind the extremely high mortality of the 1918 flu pandemic and how to prepare for future outbreaks. The authors warn that while the world is better prepared than 100 years ago, new challen
2018-10-08 00:00:00
Fast fashion is harming the planet, MPs say
The industry is blamed for damaging the environment, fuelling climate change and polluting water.
2018-10-05 00:51:37
Consumers willing to pay more for sustainably brewed beer, study finds
More and more breweries are investing in practices to save energy and reduce greenhouse gases. Will it pay off? A study by Indiana University researchers suggests it may.
2018-10-05 00:00:00
Vietnam's children and the fear of climate change
Children's drawings of nightmarish scenarios illustrate climate change's impact in the Mekong Delta.
2018-10-04 16:46:17
Sir David Attenborough: 'Population growth has to come to an end'
Sir David Attenborough on Love Island, Global Warming, population growth and meat eating.
2018-10-04 02:30:50
Windier wind farms
You've probably seen them, perhaps on long roadtrips: wind turbines with enormous, hypnotic rolling blades, harnessing the clean power of wind for conversion into electric energy. What you may not know is that for the explosion in the number of wind turbi
2018-10-04 00:00:00
More wet and dry weather extremes projected with global warming
Global warming is projected to spawn more extreme wet and dry weather around the world, according to a Rutgers-led study. Those extremes include more frequent dry spells in the northwestern, central and southern United States and in Mexico, and more frequ
2018-10-04 00:00:00
A warmer spring leads to less plant growth in summer
Due to climate change, springtime growth begins earlier each year. Up to now, it was thought that this phenomenon was slowing climate change. However, as evaluations of satellite data undertaken at TU Wien have now shown, the opposite is the case.
2018-10-03 00:00:00
Confluence of Trump's Climate Villainy and Jailing Child Refugees, Says Bill McKibben, Nothing Short
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-10-02 19:19:48
What does 1.5C mean in a warming world?
1.5C has become the new "safe" upper-limit for global warming - but whatever happened to the two-degree target?
2018-10-02 00:02:34
Chemists discover unexpected enzyme structure
MIT chemists have discovered a unique aspect of the structure of carbon monoxide dehydrogenase, a bacterial enzyme that can convert carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide.
2018-10-02 00:00:00
Global warming increases wildfire potential damages in Mediterranean Europe
A study published in Nature Communications, led by researchers of the University of Barcelona in collaboration with other research institutions, shows that anthropogenic warming will increase the burned areas due fires in Mediterranean Europe, and the inc
2018-10-02 00:00:00
Invasive plants can boost blue carbon storage
When invasive species enter the picture, things are rarely black and white. A new paper has revealed that some plant invaders could help fight climate change by making it easier for ecosystems to store 'blue carbon' -- the carbon stored in coastal environ
2018-10-01 00:00:00
Experiencing extreme weather is not enough to convince climate chance skeptics
Experiencing extreme weather is not enough to convince climate change skeptics than humans are damaging the environment, a new study shows.
2018-10-01 00:00:00
New weather model could increase tornado-warning times
Penn State researchers are the first to use data obtained from recent next-generation satellites in a numerical weather-prediction model used to provide guidance for tornadic thunderstorm forecasting.
2018-10-01 00:00:00
'Spacesuits' protect microbes destined to live in space
UC Berkeley researchers have created a unique system that pairs light-absorbing semiconductors with anaerobic bacteria to capture light and fix carbon dioxide: an artificial leaf. The bacteria turn CO2 into chemicals useful in space colonies, e.g. One pro
2018-10-01 00:00:00
High CO2 levels cause plants to thicken their leaves, could worsen climate change effects
When levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rise, most plants do something unusual: They thicken their leaves. Now two University of Washington scientists have shown that this reaction by plants will actually worsen climate change by making the global
2018-10-01 00:00:00
The 'Burn It All Down' Approach: Trump Uses Dire Warming Predictions to Justify Increasing Emissions
<div class="field field--name-field-hp-author field--type-text field--label-hidden"><div class="field__items"><div class="field__item even">Jessica Corbett, staff writer</div></div></div>&l
2018-09-28 15:48:06
Observing the development of a deep-sea greenhouse gas filter
In a long-term study, marine scientists from Bremen for the first time observed the colonization of a deep-sea mud volcano after its eruption. Only slowly, rich life develops around the crater. The first settlers are tiny organisms that eat methane escapi
2018-09-28 00:00:00
Fewer biofuels, more green space: Climate action researcher calls for urgent shift
Growing and harvesting bioenergy crops -- corn for ethanol or trees to fuel power plants, for example -- is a poor use of land, which is a precious resource in the fight against climate change, says a University of Michigan researcher.
2018-09-28 00:00:00
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