Environment Watch

Environment News

HSBC climate change adverts banned by UK watchdog
The regulator said two of the bank's posters “omitted material information and were therefore misleading".
2022-10-19 03:57:08
Climate change: Can an enormous seaweed farm help curb it?
A British businessman believes it could suck a billion tonnes of carbon out of the atmosphere annually.
2022-10-15 23:32:59
Climate change: Summer 2022 smashed dozens of UK records
Half of the UK’s oldest weather stations set new records in the July heatwave.
2022-10-14 01:51:58
Scientists Launch Petition Urging Academic Publisher to Stop Aiding Fossil Fuel Industry
Elsevier's collaboration with oil and gas firms is "incompatible" with its purported "commitment to climate action," said one scientist. "In fact, this is what inaction on climate change looks like. It's what greenwashing looks like."
2022-10-12 13:20:13
Use Covid lessons to curb climate change, Lords tell government
Government must lead on home insulation and diet, the environment and climate change committee says.
2022-10-12 02:17:39
Climate change: World aviation agrees 'aspirational' net zero plan
UN member states pledge to decarbonise air travel, but green groups say the deal is weak and non-binding.
2022-10-07 15:59:27
'Doing This for My Son': UK Climate Activist Gives Interview While Handcuffed, Hauled Off by Cops
"The government's inaction on climate change is a death sentence to us all," the Just Stop Oil protester said.
2022-10-03 17:09:38
Oxfam Warns World Bank 'Could Be Significantly Overstating' Climate Spending
"It is alarming―at a time when climate change is driving such damage and poverty and hunger around the world―that we could find so little clarity about the quality and quantity of these financial flows."
2022-10-03 13:02:34
House Dems Urge Biden to Push for Removal of Climate-Denying World Bank President
"We need a World Bank Group leader who fully appreciates the threat of climate change and the need to accelerate the global transition to a clean just energy future to improve living standards, reduce poverty, and encourage sustainable growth."
2022-09-29 13:06:40
Environmental Defender Killed Every Two Days Over Last Decade, Report Finds
"All over the world, Indigenous peoples and environmental defenders risk their lives for the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss," said the head of Global Witness.
2022-09-29 11:48:47
Hurricanes: Are they getting more violent?
As Hurricane Ian makes its way through the Caribbean towards the US - we ask if climate change is making these storms more severe?
2022-09-27 00:17:38
'Climate Change Is the Asteroid,' Say Critics of NASA Earth Defense Mission
"The actual clear and present danger to humanity is of course Earth breakdown from burning fossil fuels," said one NASA climate scientist.
2022-09-26 18:13:33
80+ Democrats Urge Biden EPA to Accept Union Demands
"Improving the rights and protections of EPA employees" will help the agency "address climate change, enhance environmental justice, and protect public health and the environment," the lawmakers wrote.
2022-09-26 09:37:19
Historic Tropical Storm Fiona Sweeps Homes Into Ocean in Eastern Canada
"Climate change leads to warmer ocean water at higher latitudes," said one Canadian civil engineering professor. "A warmer future increases the probability that more intense storms will reach Canadian coasts."
2022-09-25 08:33:56
Climate change risk to coastal castles - English Heritage
Rising sea levels are threatening ancient castles and forts at an accelerating rate, says English Heritage.
2022-09-23 00:04:19
Climate change: Spike in Amazon emissions linked to law enforcement
Scientists say a huge increase in deforestation in the Amazon is linked to lax law enforcement.
2022-09-22 23:00:23
UN chief: 'Tax fossil fuel profits for climate damage'
Tax fossil fuel companies' profits to pay for the damage done by climate change, says UN Secretary General.
2022-09-20 13:30:00
Climate change threatens health and survival of urban trees
Oaks, maples and chestnuts found in cities are among over 1,000 tree species that are flagged at risk.
2022-09-20 01:10:32
I hope King Charles will push for action on climate change, says John Kerry
The US presidential envoy says the King can "leverage" the action needed to tackle global warming.
2022-09-17 13:40:11
Climate change: Pakistan floods 'likely' made worse by warming
Emissions from human activities played a role in the recent floods that have brought devastation to Pakistan.
2022-09-15 22:41:45
Climate change: Six tipping points ‘likely’ to be crossed
Current rates of warming put the Earth on a path of runaway climate change, according to a new analysis.
2022-09-08 20:49:03
Climate change: Europe's warm summer shatters records
Heatwaves and drought drove record heat across Europe this summer, according to satellite data.
2022-09-08 10:22:40
Liz Truss cabinet: Key ministers raise climate targets doubts
Is Liz Truss' new government still committed to dramatic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050?
2022-09-07 13:26:16
How Pakistan floods are linked to climate change
Pakistan's geography - and its immense glaciers - make it vulnerable to climate change.
2022-09-02 13:42:00
Green Groups Rip 'Dangerous and Dumb' $1.4 Billion Bailout of California Nuclear Plant
Keeping Diablo Creek open is "the riskiest pathway to deepen California's commitment to fighting climate change while supplying reliable energy," said Friends of the Earth.
2022-09-01 15:31:05
Greenhouse Gases, Sea Levels, and Ocean Heat All Hit New Highs in 2021: NOAA
"With many communities hit with 1,000-year floods, exceptional drought, and historic heat this year, it shows that the climate crisis is not a future threat but something we must address today."
2022-09-01 09:29:14
Hornsea 2: North Sea wind farm claims title of world's largest
The world's largest offshore wind farm is now fully operational, 55 miles off the coast of Yorkshire.
2022-08-31 08:14:38
Climate change: Avocados and exotic plants grow in hot UK summer
Gardeners say that warmer weather is boosting the growth of figs, watermelon and other exotic plants.
2022-08-28 00:00:19
Climate change: England's gardeners face peat compost ban
The measures are part of a pledge to protect peatlands, the wild boggy spaces that soak up carbon.
2022-08-27 00:04:07
Pakistan Declares National Emergency as Climate-Intensified Floods Devastate 33 Million
This is a "climate-induced humanitarian disaster of epic proportions," said the country's climate change minister.
2022-08-26 13:32:41
Climate change: Russia burns off gas as Europe's energy bills rocket
Russia is burning off millions of dollars in gas everyday at a plant near the Finnish border.
2022-08-26 02:41:49
Experts Fear Wildfire-Fueled Ozone Damage Will Become New Norm
"Under global warming, the frequency and intensity of wildfires is expected to increase, which would lead to more" stratospheric warming, said one expert.
2022-08-25 15:40:16
The crucial role of weather forecasting in launching spacecraft
Launching a rocket into space requires a lot of time, planning, money - and the right weather. Simon King explains.
2022-08-25 13:43:21
90% of Marine Species Face Extinction Under Emissions Status Quo: Study
While the research predicts "a potentially bleak future for many marine species," the authors say it "also measures how much our oceans and the life within them stand to benefit from both climate change mitigation and adaptation."
2022-08-22 14:29:58
Climate change: 'Staggering' rate of global tree losses from fires
A report says around 16 football pitches of trees per minute were lost to wildfires in 2021.
2022-08-17 09:00:36
Progressives Applaud as Biden Signs 'Landmark' IRA Into Law
The bill is "a start to, not the culmination of, our work to reduce global warming pollution and ensure clean air, clean water, and the preservation of open spaces," said one climate campaigner.
2022-08-16 15:55:51
Climate change: Drought highlights dangers for electricity supplies
Dry conditions in the UK and Europe are stress on facilities including nuclear, say experts.
2022-08-13 04:16:40
Without Climate Action, Melting of 'Sleeping Giant' Ice Sheet Risks Major Sea Level Rise
"The choices that we're making today in terms of emission reductions are going to set in place whether East Antarctica stays largely dormant as a very large ice sheet, or if we start to set in motion some unstoppable changes," said one expert.
2022-08-11 10:23:49
Death Valley Floods Deemed a '1,000-Year Event'
"With climate change models predicting more frequent and more intense storms, this is a place where you can see climate change in action," said the park superintendent.
2022-08-11 09:28:28
Climate change: Tears of joy as US bill clears Senate hurdle
The plans - which aim to reduce US carbon emissions by 40% by 2030 - still needs House approval.
2022-08-07 21:33:37
Scientists Say 'Catastrophic' Climate Scenarios—Including Human Extinction—Demand Further Study
"Could anthropogenic climate change result in worldwide societal collapse or even eventual human extinction?" asks a new analysis. "At present, this is a dangerously underexplored topic."
2022-08-02 13:43:27
Climate change: More studies needed on possibility of human extinction
New research says it could be "fatally foolish" not to think the unthinkable on climate change.
2022-08-01 19:09:08
UK's 40C heatwave 'basically impossible' without climate change
Human-caused climate change made the high temperatures last week much more likely, say scientists.
2022-07-29 03:51:01
Climate change: UK sea level rise speeding up - Met Office
The Met Office's annual look at our climate says higher temperatures are the new normal.
2022-07-28 03:01:37
Climate change: UK cities warned of wildfire risk
Fire chiefs in rural areas say lessons they learned in hot dry summers must be urgently applied in cities.
2022-07-26 03:15:09
Climate change: How to talk to a denier
Tips about how to engage with people who think climate change is a "hoax".
2022-07-23 23:14:38
The audacious PR plot that seeded doubt about climate change
Thirty years ago, a bold plan was hatched to persuade people that climate change was not a problem.
2022-07-22 23:23:52
Climate change: Schools 'not preparing kids' for global warming
Teenagers say they want education that reflects how climate change will affect all parts of life.
2022-07-22 02:18:56
Climate Crisis Pushes Migratory Monarch Butterflies Onto Endangered List
"Decisive action to tackle climate change and restore ecosystems" is badly needed to rescue the beloved subspecies, experts say.
2022-07-21 08:37:30
Climate change: Campaigners hail ruling on 'net zero'
Activists argued that the strategy lacked details on how emissions will be cut
2022-07-19 21:22:03
The science behind the UK heatwave
The Met Office estimates that the extreme heat we are seeing has been made ten times more likely because of climate change.
2022-07-19 16:20:09
Climate change: Heat deaths could triple by 2050
The government's advisors on climate change warn that Britain's homes are not fit for hotter summers.
2022-07-17 23:43:46
Model Shows Nuclear War Would Cause Millennia-Long 'Little Ice Age'
"We hope that this new study will encourage more nations to ratify the ban treaty," one of the paper's co-authors said, referring to the landmark Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
2022-07-08 11:03:17
Climate change: 'Sand battery' could solve green energy's big problem
A storage device made from sand may overcome the biggest issue in the transition to renewable energy.
2022-07-05 00:12:10
Marmolada glacier collapse in Italy kills seven
Italy's prime minister says the incident is "without doubt" linked to climate change.
2022-07-04 17:00:34
Deadly Glacier Collapse in Italy 'Linked Directly to Climate Change'
At least seven people were killed when a glacier slid down a mountainside near a popular climbing route in the Alps on Sunday.
2022-07-04 12:13:47
Supreme Court limits Biden's power to cut emissions
The landmark ruling curbs federal power to limit greenhouse gas emissions in a setback for President Biden.
2022-06-30 21:25:36
Markey, Bowman Join Climate Coalition in Urging SCOTUS Expansion
"We cannot sit idly by," said Markey, "as extremists on the Supreme Court eviscerate the authorities that the government has had for decades to combat climate change and reduce pollution."
2022-06-30 18:15:04
Climate change: UK heading for failure on climate goals - report
The Climate Change Committee also cites a "shocking" lack of policy to insulate people's homes.
2022-06-28 23:52:15
One in six UK adults doubt human link to climate change - report
The King's College study also says the UK public underestimates how much scientists agree on the link between human activity and climate change.
2022-06-28 23:02:25
Looming US Supreme Court Climate Decision Could 'Doom' Hope for Livable Future
"The immediate issue is the limits of the EPA's ability to regulate greenhouse gases," said one scientist. "The broader issue is the ability of federal agencies to regulate anything at all."
2022-06-27 13:32:12
Friendly fungi help forests fight climate change
Young science writer competition winner digs into an underground biological battle against global warming.
2022-06-18 23:47:24
Bee-eaters in Norfolk 'worrying sign of climate change'
Bee-eaters trying to breed in the UK is an "unmissable sign" of the climate crisis, the RSPB says.
2022-06-17 07:13:48
Congo peat: The 'lungs of humanity' which are under threat
Carbon-rich peatlands are under threat from development, posing a risk for future climate change.
2022-06-16 23:53:12
Climate change: Rich nations accused of 'betrayal' at Bonn talks
As key talks end, rich and poor countries are at loggerheads on the divisive issue of loss and damage.
2022-06-16 06:41:05
Groups Sue Biden Admin for Threatening 'Climate-Imperiled' Wildlife With Drilling Permits
One campaigner said the "cursory approval of more than 3,500 drilling permits contradicts President Biden's pledges to address the terrifying threat of climate change."
2022-06-15 14:04:10
Climate change: Green energy 'stagnates' as fossil fuels dominate
A new report says that increased demand for energy is being met mainly by coal, oil and gas.
2022-06-15 07:02:30
Climate change: Rising sea levels threaten 200,000 England properties
A report indicates that lots of houses in England could be lost to flooding in the coming decades.
2022-06-15 00:30:51
Climate change: New fossil fuel funding is 'delusional' says UN chief
UN chief Antonio Guterres warns that the rush to find new sources of coal, oil and gas is a major mistake.
2022-06-14 07:50:11
Response to Global Energy Crisis So Far? A Planet-Wrecking Fossil Fuel 'Gold Rush': Analysis
"If all these plans materialize, they will either end up as massive stranded assets or they'll lock the world into irreversible warming."
2022-06-08 15:09:38
Climate change: Ukraine war prompts fossil fuel 'gold rush' - report
Russia's invasion of Ukraine and soaring gas prices have led to new greenhouse gas emitting projects, researchers say.
2022-06-08 08:12:07
Scientists Urge 'Transformative Change' to Stave Off Climate, Biodiversity Collapse
"As the window to avoid far-reaching and irreversible impacts on people and nature rapidly closes, the current actions to address these global challenges are insufficient."
2022-06-02 12:53:09
Peat soil fires: Campaigners say England's 'rainforests' illegally burned
Deep peat moorlands store huge amounts of carbon and are a buffer against climate change
2022-05-29 23:50:21
Climate Change: MPs say building demolitions must be reduced
MPs say the amount of demolition and rebuilding must be reduced as it adds to the emissions driving climate change.
2022-05-26 00:33:31
Forecasters predict a very active hurricane season
A second consecutive winter heavily influenced by La Niña weather patterns threatens violent storms.
2022-05-24 17:30:12
Greenhouse Gases Trapped Nearly 50% More Heat Last Year Than in 1990: NOAA
"Getting hot in here," said one climate campaigner. "Gotta get congressmen and senators to do more midday outdoor events in their dark suits."
2022-05-23 19:15:16
Oil Giant Consultant Resigns, Citing Operations Beyond 'Limits of Our Planetary Systems'
"I can no longer work for a company that ignores all the alarms and dismisses the risks of climate change and ecological collapse."
2022-05-23 12:19:47
Why is climate 'doomism' going viral – and how do you fight it?
Climate "doomers" believe it’s far too late to do anything about climate change - but they're wrong.
2022-05-22 23:16:59
Climate change swells odds of record India, Pakistan heatwaves
A UK study says record-breaking temperatures in NW India and Pakistan are now 100 times more likely.
2022-05-17 23:37:29
Decarbonizing US Energy System Would Save 50,000 Lives and $600 Billion a Year: Study
The findings, the authors write, "offer a clear rationale for mitigating climate change on public health grounds."
2022-05-17 09:29:31
'Oil Fuels War': Greenpeace Activists Block Tanker Carrying Russian Diesel to UK
"To stand up to Putin, bring bills down, and tackle climate change, the prime minister must get us off fossil fuels as fast as possible."
2022-05-16 10:19:25
Hot Planet Made Deadly South African Floods Twice as Likely: Climate Scientists
"We need to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a new reality where floods and heatwaves are more intense and damaging," said a co-author of the study.
2022-05-13 19:18:18
Climate change: Airlines miss all but one target - report
Campaigners say the aviation industry cannot be relied on to tackle their role in climate change.
2022-05-09 23:39:19
Climate change: 'Fifty-fifty chance' of breaching 1.5C warming limit
Scientists say there's now a strong chance that the world will warm by more than 1.5C by 2026.
2022-05-09 23:38:30
Biden DOJ Applauded for 'Long Overdue' Environmental Justice Plan
"Communities of color, Indigenous communities, and low-income communities often bear the brunt of the harm caused by environmental crime, pollution, and climate change," said the U.S. attorney general.
2022-05-05 18:49:44
Climate change: Spring egg-laying shifts by three weeks
The 75-year woodland study has measured a marked seasonal shift in the timing of egg-laying in spring.
2022-05-05 01:05:08
Pacific Elders Say US-China Military Tensions Secondary to Rising Seas
"The primary security threat to the Pacific is climate change," stressed former leaders of Pacific Island nations.
2022-04-29 12:19:39
Study Warns Only 'Rapid Action' Can Prevent Worst Marine Extinction in 250 Million Years
"Reversing greenhouse gas emissions trends would diminish extinction risks by more than 70%," researchers found.
2022-04-29 05:12:24
Climate Emergency Could Cause Wildlife Relocations That Spark Next Pandemic
"This is happening, it's not preventable even in the best case climate change scenarios, and we need to put measures in place to build health infrastructure to protect animal and human populations," said the co-author of a new study.
2022-04-28 14:00:06
Climate change: Record tree losses in 2021 in northern regions
Wildfires in Russia drive major increase in tree cover losses in boreal forests last year.
2022-04-28 08:10:45
Climate change: Don't let doom win, project tells worriers
The BBC gets an exclusive look at a new project to help students deal with rising climate anxiety.
2022-04-28 01:39:31
North American Wildfires Could Use Up 'Sizable Amount' of Global Carbon Budget: Study
"If not properly contained, heat-trapping emissions from wildfires in boreal forests could dramatically increase, jeopardizing nations' ability to limit warming in line with the Paris agreement."
2022-04-27 16:54:25
Climate Group Calls Biden's Earth Day Order for Old-Growth Forests 'Grossly Inadequate'
"Protecting forests without addressing the root cause of the climate crisis," warned a Food & Water Watch campaigner, "will do very little to slow global warming."
2022-04-21 18:47:55
Climate change and farming driving insect decline
Combined pressures of global heating and farming can halve insect populations in some places - study.
2022-04-20 15:46:07
Climate change: Key UN finding widely misinterpreted
Suggestions emissions could rise for another three years without dangerous warming are wrong, scientists say.
2022-04-16 00:18:27
Scientists map Caribbean coral reefs to tackle climate change
Scientists map coral reefs in the Caribbean to identify those most likely to survive climate change.
2022-04-14 09:30:02
Climate change: COP26 promises will hold warming under 2C
Scientists say their analysis is "encouraging" but keeping under 1.5C this century looks unlikely.
2022-04-13 15:00:26
Solar, Wind Surge in 2021 'Another Testament of Renewable Energy's Resilience'
"Despite the encouraging global trend," said IRENA Director-General Francesco La Camera, a new publication "shows that the energy transition is far from being fast or widespread enough to avert the dire consequences of climate change."
2022-04-11 11:45:13
Despite Big Oil Roadblocks, Poll Shows Majority in US Support Climate Action
Amid congressional inaction, solid majorities of U.S. adults favor policies to slash greenhouse gas pollution, a new Gallup survey found.
2022-04-11 09:24:24
'Truly a Joyful Day': Progressives Hail Jackson's Historic Supreme Court Confirmation
"At a time when the Supreme Court is preparing to make decisions on reproductive health, climate change, voting rights, and workers' rights, Justice Jackson's perspective has never been more necessary."
2022-04-07 14:27:01
Climate change: Wind and solar reach milestone as demand surges
Wind turbines and solar panels produced 10% of global electricity in 2021 but coal also had a resurgence.
2022-03-30 00:20:09
'Radical' Renewable Transition the Key to Fighting Energy, Climate Crises
"Investing in new fossil fuel infrastructure will only lock in uneconomic practices, perpetuate existing risks, and increase the threats of climate change," warned the head of IRENA.
2022-03-29 18:16:31
Climate Groups Say Planetary Impacts of Crypto Mining Could Be Reduced by 99%
"No matter how you feel about bitcoin, pushing those with the power to ensure a code change will make our planet and communities safer from the destructive impacts of climate change."
2022-03-29 11:56:24
Climate change: Heatwave temperature threshold raised in England by Met Office
As the UK's climate warms, the temperature threshold in eight counties is raised by the Met Office.
2022-03-29 00:07:20
340+ Groups Tell Governments Worldwide to Prioritize Fossil Fuel Phaseout
"The urgency of the climate crisis demands a rapid reorientation of our societies and economies away from fossil fuels, the key driver of global warming," says a new open letter.
2022-03-28 14:46:46
Climate change: Extreme weather warning systems for all 'in five years'
The UN wants to ensure that everyone on the planet is covered by early warning systems by 2027.
2022-03-23 13:27:39
Climate change: 'Madness' to turn to fossil fuels because of Ukraine war
UN Secretary General says climate goals are in danger if countries turn to coal because of Ukraine.
2022-03-21 09:33:35
As Biden Continues Privatization Ploy, Sanders Vows to Reintroduce Medicare for All
"In the midst of the current set of horrors—war, oligarchy, pandemics, inflation, climate change, etc.—we must continue the fight to establish healthcare as a human right, not a privilege."
2022-03-21 05:53:04
Climate change: IPCC scientists to examine carbon removal in key report
There's likely to be a new emphasis on technology to suck CO2 from the air in IPCC report on mitigation.
2022-03-21 00:53:21
Climate change: Wildfire smoke linked to Arctic melting
Researchers find that "brown carbon" from wildfire smoke is helping to melt Arctic snow and ice.
2022-03-18 15:02:28
Fonda Launches Climate PAC to Break Big Oil's 'Stranglehold' on US Politicians
"If we can't change the minds of the people in power," the 84-year-old actress and activist said, "we need to change the people in power."
2022-03-18 11:29:55
'Disastrous News': Widespread Bleaching of Great Barrier Reef Underway
"This is a sure sign that climate change caused by burning coal, oil, and gas is threatening the very existence of our reef," said one campaigner.
2022-03-18 09:53:57
Climate change: Why weather changes worry Wales' 'wettest town'
People living in the area, which has Unesco World Heritage status, are being asked to adapt.
2022-03-18 07:20:23
'Common-Sense Decision': Court Allows Biden to Weigh Social Cost of Carbon
The decision to block a Trump-appointed judge's order "puts the government back on track to address and assess climate change," said one climate advocate.
2022-03-17 04:25:47
Climate change: Can the Russian energy crisis help to curb global heating?
An energy strategy is due - but can it get the UK off Russian gas, cut bills and help the environment?
2022-03-11 01:59:25
Climate change: EU unveils plan to end reliance on Russian gas
The EU Commission outlines an ambitious roadmap to cut imports of Russian gas by two thirds in a year.
2022-03-08 15:20:35
Unite against climate change - Ukraine scientist
A leading climate expert says the Ukraine invasion is closing the window of opportunity to curb global warming.
2022-03-03 01:46:39
'All Hands on Deck Now!': IPCC Report Spurs Global Demand for Rapid Climate Action
"System change must happen now," said one climate leader. "Real emissions reductions, real solutions, must happen now."
2022-02-28 09:18:29
Climate change: UN report to show true scale of impacts
A landmark study on how global warming is altering our planet is set to be released later.
2022-02-28 00:44:41
Government climate advisers say cut fossil fuels to lower energy bills
The government's climate change advisers say new oil and gas in the North Sea would not lower bills.
2022-02-24 03:22:08
Facebook Fails to Label Climate Misinformation From 'Toxic 10': Analysis
"The price of Mark Zuckerberg's failure to deal with his platforms' pollution of the information ecosystem," said one advocate, "is catastrophic damage to our physical ecosystem—including climate change, forced migration, drought, and famine."
2022-02-23 13:01:02
UN Report Warns of 50% Increase in Wildfires by 2100 as Climate Crisis Rages
The leader of UNEP said that governments must "invest more in fire risk reduction, work with local communities, and strengthen global commitment to fight climate change."
2022-02-23 09:18:34
Global warming and land use change to drive more extreme wildfires
The number of exceptional wildfires will increase by 50% by the end of the century, the UN warns.
2022-02-23 06:27:53
Climate change: Can the UK afford its net zero policies?
The cost of living crisis has led backbench Conservative MPs to call for a rethink of the government's plans.
2022-02-23 04:36:34
Billie Eilish Advocates for Plant-Based School Meals on Capitol Hill
"I'm proud to advocate for this legislation that will help to fight climate change, combat food insecurity, and promote health equity."
2022-02-22 13:59:32
IPCC: Climate change report to sound warning on impacts
The study will focus heavily on how warming hurts regions as well as cities and coastal communities.
2022-02-22 02:13:20
Climate change: Covid shutdown linked to record rainfall in China
An abrupt drop in emissions due to the pandemic played a key role in record rainfall in China in 2020.
2022-02-18 10:10:41
Biden's $770B Pentagon Budget Proposal Denounced as 'Absurd'
"Devoting this enormous sum to the Pentagon at a time when the greatest challenges to our security—from pandemics to climate change—are not military in nature is both misguided and counterproductive," said one critic.
2022-02-16 15:38:07
Flourishing Plants in Antarctica Seen as Possible 'Climate Tipping Point'
"We are receiving multiple evidences that a major change is occurring in Antarctica," said one researcher behind new study.
2022-02-15 13:30:59
Climate Crisis Has Made Western US Megadrought Worst in 1,200 Years
"Climate change is here and now," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal. "If a 1,200 year mega-drought isn't enough to make people realize that, I don't know what is."
2022-02-14 12:59:57
'A Wake-Up Call to Act Now': Koalas Declared Endangered in Eastern Australia
One campaigner warned that "if we don't address the root cause of their decline, which is habitat loss and climate change, we're just plugging holes in a sinking ship."
2022-02-11 11:29:10
The engineers battling to stop global warming ruining roads
Climate change is putting roads under stress but research is finding ways to make them more durable.
2022-02-11 00:03:00
First Nations Land Defenders File Submission to UN Human Rights Council
"Wet'suwet'en is an international frontline to protect the rights of Indigenous peoples and to prevent climate change."
2022-02-07 11:45:03
Climate change: Top companies exaggerating their progress - study
Companies including Google, Amazon and Ikea are not meeting their own green targets, a report finds.
2022-02-07 01:14:17
Why switching asthma inhaler could be better for you and the planet
Aerosol asthma inhalers are cheap but not good for climate change - is there a better way for both patients and the planet?
2022-02-06 00:14:06
Climate change: Satellites map huge methane plumes from oil and gas
Plugging methane leaks from oil and gas fields could be an easy win in curbing climate change.
2022-02-04 00:45:37
Climate change: The science briefing that convinced Boris Johnson
The prime minister has called the presentation "very important' - now we get to see it.
2022-02-02 01:50:31
Climate change: UK plants now flowering a month earlier
If flowers continue to appear earlier as the planet warms, there are risks for farming and nature.
2022-02-02 01:49:20
After Passing 'Point of No Return' in 2014, Hot Oceans Are Now 'New Normal'
"Climate change is not a future event," stressed the co-author of a new study. "The reality is that it's been affecting us for a while."
2022-02-01 17:25:19
'Climate Can't Wait': US Crop Losses Have More Than Tripled Since 1995
"Climate change is already hammering our communities—of every size, in every part of the country," said one advocacy group.
2022-01-27 11:35:56
Climate change: Key crops face major shifts as world warms
Global warming will alter the areas suitable to grow key crops like coffee, cashews and avocados.
2022-01-26 19:02:29
Climate change threatening buried UK treasures
Our ability to understand Britain's history is at risk, warn archaeologists.
2022-01-25 00:08:48
Climate change: 'Fragile win' at COP26 summit under threat
Alok Sharma warns that unless there's swift action this year, progress made at COP26 will be lost.
2022-01-24 17:56:25
Biden Outpaced Trump on Drilling Permits in First Year
"Avoiding catastrophic climate change requires ending new fossil fuel extraction," said one advocate, "but Biden is racing in the opposite direction."
2022-01-21 13:00:45
False banana: Is Ethiopia's enset 'wondercrop' for climate change?
The banana-like crop has the potential to feed more than 100 million people, according to research.
2022-01-21 06:47:45
Government says its climate change curbs inadequate
Ministers say coping even with low levels could cost the country billions of pounds a year.
2022-01-17 17:47:17
Climate change: Wales has 'duty' due to coal mining history
A charity director says the country's coal mining history means it has released a lot of carbon.
2022-01-17 06:08:32
Will ScotWind auction deliver a renewables revolution?
Over the next decade or so these new offshore wind farm sites could supercharge renewable energy capacity.
2022-01-15 23:14:39
Plans to protect England's national parks set out
The government proposals also aim to ensure landscapes play a key role in tackling climate change.
2022-01-15 00:17:08
Activist Pressure Pauses Newark Fracked Gas Project
Environmental justice campaigner Maria Lopez-Nuñez stressed the need find an alternative to the proposed power plant that "does not hurt the lungs of our children and in no way contributes to climate change."
2022-01-14 12:14:37
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