Environment Watch

Environment News

Climate change destroying homes across the Arctic
New research shows the huge threat posed by permafrost thaw to millions living in the Arctic.
2022-01-11 16:00:33
Oceans Hotter in 2021 Than Any Time in Recorded History
"Ocean warming keeps breaking records, which is a reminder that the world needs action to combat climate change."
2022-01-11 09:35:05
Climate change: Hurricanes to expand into more populated regions
A warmer world will see tropical cyclones occur in regions near New York, Boston, Beijing and Tokyo.
2021-12-29 17:42:05
Warmer in Alaska Than San Diego This Week as Temperature Record 'Pulverized'
"Climate change continues to push the envelope on what is possible all over the globe," said one meteorologist.
2021-12-29 13:40:42
Climate change: Storm clouds gather after COP26
Is the progress made in Glasgow in jeopardy from a rising tide of challenges in the year ahead?
2021-12-29 00:08:39
World's Top 2021 Climate Disasters Cost Nearly $200 Billion: Study
"Climate change will bankrupt us, and along the way, we will lose so much more than money," said one activist in response to the new figures.
2021-12-27 09:30:38
Climate change: Huge toll of extreme weather disasters in 2021
Floods and storms connected to rising temperatures have had a huge impact on people worldwide.
2021-12-27 04:09:25
Climate change: Small army of volunteers keeping deniers off Wikipedia
A group of editors is working tirelessly to keep bad climate info off the user-generated encyclopaedia.
2021-12-24 00:13:39
More Than 130 Groups Call on CFTC to Shut Down 'Dystopian' Water Futures Market
"In this time of global-warming-induced drought in California, the last thing we need is to gamble on our precious water resources."
2021-12-20 13:48:36
Demanding 'Global Peace Dividend,' Nobel Laureates Call for 2% Cut in World's Military Spending
"We propose that half of the resources freed up by this agreement are allocated to a global fund, under U.N. supervision, to address humanity’s grave common problems: pandemics, climate change, and extreme poverty."
2021-12-15 11:22:06
US tornadoes: Is climate change to blame?
Are tornadoes becoming more frequent, dangerous or unpredictable - and is the changing climate to blame?
2021-12-13 19:09:21
Amid Tornado Devastation, Sunrise Says 'Call It What It Is: A Climate Disaster'
"We aren't asking, we demand change. Kentucky needs Build Back Better now."
2021-12-13 04:09:40
Climate change: Four cheap ways to save energy at home
Where do you lose energy in your home? Here are some tips to save energy cheaply this winter
2021-12-10 00:33:38
Indonesia's biodiesel drive is leading to deforestation
Indonesia aims to use biofuels to cut greenhouse gas emissions, but it may damage its forests in the process.
2021-12-08 00:37:31
Climate change: Is ‘blue hydrogen’ Japan’s answer to coal?
The Fukushima disaster turned Japan away from nuclear. A new energy source may help it quit coal.
2021-12-06 01:11:25
'Biden's Oily Christmas': Climate Campaigners Call Out Public Lands Giveaways
"His Interior Department has plowed forward with new oil and gas lease sales that wreck our public lands and exacerbate climate change—all while enriching the CEOs of big oil corporations."
2021-12-03 12:12:21
New Climate Study Predicting More Rain Than Snow in the Arctic 'Rings Alarm Bells'
"There are huge ramifications of these changes," said the lead researcher, "all of which have implications on wildlife populations and human livelihoods."
2021-11-30 14:39:25
Wood Wide Web: Scientists to map hotspots of fungal life
The fungal networks in soil can help fight climate change but are under threat, experts say.
2021-11-30 09:14:44
New Research Finds Climate Emergency the 'Overwhelming Factor' Behind Australian Bushfires
"It is now clear that human-induced climate change is creating ever more dangerous conditions for fires in Australia."
2021-11-29 10:11:31
'Unsettling': New Study Reveals Arctic Ocean Warming for Over a Century
"It is possible that the Arctic Ocean is more sensitive to greenhouse gases than previously thought," said one of the study's authors.
2021-11-24 18:24:20
Polluting greenhouse gases being sold online and smuggled to UK
Experts say hydrofluorocarbons, which are used in fridges and aerosols, make global warming worse.
2021-11-23 12:01:57
Australia declares La Niña phenomenon has begun
The climate pattern can lead to significant weather changes in different parts of the world.
2021-11-23 05:19:41
Progressives Ramp Up Criticism of Fed Chair Powell for Refusing to Take Climate Seriously
"During his tenure, Chair Powell first ignored climate change and then resisted calls for the Fed to use its tools to fight it."
2021-11-20 13:10:10
Biden Applauded for Reversing Trump Assault on 'Priceless' Tongass National Forest
"The Tongass National Forest's indispensable habitats serve as home to a multitude of species and also play a vital role in helping fight global warming," said one conservation advocate.
2021-11-19 13:20:00
Climate change: Conspiracy theories found on foreign-language Wikipedia
Pages in languages other than English wrongly suggest scientists are divided over the causes of global warming.
2021-11-19 01:17:16
Dem Lawmakers, Climate Groups Urge Biden Administration to Support Kids Climate Case
"It's time our federal government finally aligns its actions on climate change with its rhetoric, and takes the bold action necessary to avert climate catastrophe."
2021-11-18 15:58:07
'I've seen irreversible change but hope too for planet'
Over decades, correspondent David Shukman has seen climate change become our most important issue.
2021-11-18 00:05:49
Climate change: What did the scientists make of COP26?
Scientists applaud some COP26 policies but fear measures don't go far enough and won’t be delivered.
2021-11-17 00:09:32
COP26: The truth behind the new climate change denial
The claims that went viral in the lead-up to the COP climate summit – and what you need to know about them.
2021-11-17 00:07:06
COP26: How might decisions at the climate summit change our lives?
The changes made at COP26 in Glasgow could have implications for the way we live.
2021-11-12 17:48:42
COP26: New draft climate deal weakens fossil fuel commitments
But it requires governments to do more to help developing countries with impacts of climate change.
2021-11-12 08:14:03
COP26: Fear of failure as climate summit enters final day
UN chief Antonio Guterres says the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5C looks unlikely.
2021-11-12 01:17:42
Seven ways to curb climate change
What are the practical things countries need to do in order to tackle climate change?
2021-11-12 00:04:51
Climate change: How could a 2050 weather forecast look?
The future climate could be determined by the level of emissions in the coming years.
2021-11-11 22:38:05
Climate Crisis Cannot Be Solved Without Addressing US Military Emissions, Says Ocasio-Cortez
"There's no way we're going to" reduce greenhouse gas pollution "if we don't measure it and if we don't commit to it," said the New York Democrat, in a rebuke of the omission of military emissions from national climate targets.
2021-11-11 13:11:45
COP26: US-China climate agreement and fossil fuel spending
Five things you need to know about COP26 - the United Nations climate change conference - on Thursday.
2021-11-11 08:11:32
Climate change: Iran says lift sanctions and we'll ratify Paris agreement
The world's eighth largest emitter says it will ratify the Paris climate pact if restrictions are lifted.
2021-11-11 02:13:17
Coastal saltmarsh 'engineered' to fight climate change
Re-flooding coastal wetlands could provide an opportunity to 'use sea level' rise to fight climate change
2021-11-11 01:59:42
COP26: Climate activists on what change means for them
Climate activists from the Philippines, the UK and Argentina take questions on climate change.
2021-11-11 00:34:37
COP26: Draft deal calls for stronger carbon cutting targets by end of 2022
The document says vulnerable nations must get more help to cope with the deadly impacts of global warming.
2021-11-10 16:04:51
In COP26 Speech, Climate Justice Leader Vows Global Movement 'Will Change History'
"The era of injustice is over. We will uproot these systems of oppression with our global Green New Deal to guarantee everyone the right to live with dignity and in harmony with our planet."
2021-11-10 13:29:07
COP26: PM’s summit plea and axing trees to save water
Five things you need to know about COP26 - the United Nations climate change conference - on Wednesday.
2021-11-10 08:22:16
Ocean's climate change 'buffer' role under threat
Rising ocean temperatures are having 'worrying' impacts on the deep ocean's ability to lock away our carbon emissions.
2021-11-09 17:16:55
'This Must Not Happen': If Unhalted, Permian Basin Fracking Will Unleash 40 Billion Tons of CO2 by 2
"Unless President Biden defuses the Permian climate bomb exploding in my backyard," said one opponent from El Paso, "we won't prevent catastrophic climate change."
2021-11-09 13:36:49
COP26: Focus on gender as giant puppet takes centre stage
Five things you need to know about COP26 - the United Nations climate change conference - on Tuesday.
2021-11-09 08:22:41
Climate change: What do scientists want from COP26 this week?
We asked climate experts from around the world what they want to see agreed at COP26 this week.
2021-11-09 01:21:41
Climate change: Seven ways to spot businesses greenwashing
Firms often claim they are eco-friendly but how can you check they are as green as they make out?
2021-11-08 23:58:05
COP26: Rich countries ‘pushing back’ on paying for climate loss
Poorer countries say they are not able to get compensation for the damage caused by climate change.
2021-11-08 11:26:10
COP26: UK pledges £290m to help poorer countries cope with climate change
As the COP26 summit enters its second week, government ministers gather in Glasgow for more talks.
2021-11-08 08:58:39
If Build Back Better Fails, AOC Warns, 'We May Have Just Locked in US Emissions'
The U.S. will be at risk of throwing away its "biggest chance to combat climate change" if conservative Democrats tank the reconciliation bill, said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
2021-11-08 05:07:24
Climate change: National Trust joins international call for peat product ban
The organisation says peat bogs should be left alone as they trap carbon.
2021-11-07 04:38:24
Biden to Unleash 'Irrevocable Climate Chaos' if US Fracked Gas Export Projects Proceed: Groups
"To limit global warming to 1.5°C, the U.S. must ultimately stop building new export terminals and pipelines that prop up this dangerous fossil fuel worldwide."
2021-11-05 11:52:00
Climate change: Facebook fails to flag denial, study finds
Researchers tracked thousands of posts denying climate change - and only 8% were marked as misinformation.
2021-11-04 13:19:39
COP26: Quitting coal and rebounding CO2 emissions
Five things you need to know about COP26 - the United Nations climate change conference - on Thursday.
2021-11-04 08:29:24
Experts Sound Alarm as Coal and Gas Surge Pushes Emissions Close to Pre-Pandemic Levels
"The rapid rebound in emissions as economies recover from the pandemic reinforces the need for immediate global action on climate change."
2021-11-04 05:24:25
Climate change: Carbon emissions show rapid rebound after Covid dip
Global carbon emissions are set to get back close to the levels they were at before Covid.
2021-11-04 00:46:26
COP26: What do the poorest countries want from climate summit?
Rich countries will get most of the attention, but developing countries are on climate change's front line.
2021-11-03 16:30:00
COP26 climate change summit: So far, so good-ish
Three days into the COP26 global climate summit, and the mood is positive.
2021-11-03 14:36:38
Bolivian President Warns 'Carbon Colonialism' Won't Solve Climate Crisis
"The solution," said Luis Arce at COP26, "is to change the model of civilization and move towards an alternative model to capitalism, the concept of living well together in harmony with Mother Earth."
2021-11-02 11:32:18
COP26: US to tackle methane leaks from oil and gas wells
The Biden administration plans to restore tough rules curbing one of the most potent greenhouse gases.
2021-11-02 10:56:49
COP26: Pledge to end deforestation as Queen urges 'rise above politics'
Five things you need to know about COP26 - the United Nations climate change conference - on Tuesday.
2021-11-02 06:54:01
Climate change: Five dealmakers who will influence the outcome at COP26
Who are the people who will determine the success or failure of the climate summit?
2021-11-02 00:51:37
Climate change: Is Greta Thunberg right about UK carbon emissions?
The climate activist has questioned the UK's figure on its carbon emissions reduction.
2021-11-01 18:11:36
COP26: World at one minute to midnight over climate change - Boris Johnson
As world leaders arrive at COP26 in Glasgow, Prime Minister Boris Johnson says action is needed.
2021-11-01 12:03:22
Letter Accusing World Leaders of Climate 'Betrayal' Signed by 1 Million People—And Growing
"There is still time to avoid the worst consequences if we are prepared to change. It will take determined, visionary leadership. And it will take immense courage—but know that when you rise, billions will be right behind you."
2021-11-01 11:55:20
COP26: World needs to act, says PM, as Prince Charles joins call for action
Five things you need to know about COP26 - the United Nations climate change conference - on Monday.
2021-11-01 07:56:22
Climate change: Extreme weather events are 'the new norm'
Scientists from the WMO say global warming is leading the world into "uncharted territory".
2021-10-31 15:12:21
Can COP26 really save the planet?
Past COPs our science editor went to didn't stop climate change - will this one be any different?
2021-10-31 00:23:50
Climate change: What's it like living in a place where it's 50C?
The BBC has spoken to people around the world about how extreme heat is changing their lives.
2021-10-31 00:13:02
Climate Change: What are the big polluters doing to cut carbon emissions?
The top CO2-producing nations all have plans to tackle global warming - but what progress are they making?
2021-10-29 00:27:16
COP26: Four numbers that set the stage for climate change negotiations
The Queen cancelling her appearance and a climate pledge delayed - what do they mean for COP26?
2021-10-29 00:22:12
Climate change: Human activity makes forests emit carbon
Human activity and wildfires have turned highly protected forests into net sources of carbon, a study suggests.
2021-10-27 23:39:22
Climate change: Polls shows rising demand for government action
Ahead of COP26, a BBC World Service poll finds growing support for strong political leadership.
2021-10-27 23:35:56
Climate change: Can India meet its targets?
As a major global climate summit approaches, is the Indian government on track to meet its own commitments?
2021-10-27 23:19:34
Climate change: UN emissions gap report a 'thundering wake-up call'
Current carbon-cutting plans from nations would lead the world to climate catastrophe, says the UN.
2021-10-26 13:15:33
Latest UN Climate Report Delivers 'Another Thundering Wake-Up Call'
"Climate change is no longer a future problem. It is a now problem," said the UNEP executive director. "The clock is ticking loudly."
2021-10-26 13:07:49
Climate change: Make people fly less, ministers told
The government must cut demand for flying and meat under plans to curb climate change, experts say.
2021-10-26 10:54:08
Climate change: Australia pledges net zero emissions by 2050
The target controversially omits new short-term goals and cuts to fossil fuel industries.
2021-10-26 07:29:23
Climate change: Four things you can do to help fight climate change
Small changes to our lifestyles and choices could limit our personal carbon footprint.
2021-10-26 00:12:48
Climate change: Sir David Attenborough in 'act now' warning
"If we don't act now, it'll be too late," warns Sir David Attenborough ahead of the COP26 climate summit.
2021-10-25 23:01:12
COP26: What is the Glasgow climate conference and why is it important?
A crucial climate change summit is being held in the UK - this is why it's important.
2021-10-25 16:10:54
Climate change: Pledge of $100bn annual aid slips to 2023
A key pledge on climate funding has still not been met, and the money is not sure to be there before 2023.
2021-10-25 13:55:55
Climate change: Greenhouse gas build-up reached new high in 2020
Despite the pandemic, atmospheric levels of CO2 and methane once more broke records last year.
2021-10-25 09:47:06
Humanity 'Way Off Track': WMO Says Atmospheric Carbon at Level Unseen in 3 Million Years
The new report has "a stark, scientific message for climate change negotiators at COP 26," said the head of the World Meteorological Organization.
2021-10-25 09:41:22
Climate change: How do we know it is happening and caused by humans?
What's the evidence for global warming and how do we know it's being caused by human activity?
2021-10-25 00:01:25
Climate change: The environmental disasters we've almost fixed
From acid rain to the ozone hole: Can we learn from the environmental "success stories" of the past?
2021-10-25 00:00:50
Climate change: How technology is helping cities tackle climate disasters
Cities are under threat from floods, forest fires and other disasters - how is tech helping with emergency responses?
2021-10-23 23:27:27
Climate change will bring global tension, US intelligence report says
Countries will argue over a response and the poorest will suffer most, US intelligence says.
2021-10-21 20:29:19
'Bombshell': Total Knew About Climate Threat From Fossil Fuels for Decades, But Denied It
"The dire consequences of climate change we are now experiencing could have been avoided if Total executives 50 years ago had decided that the future of the planet is more important than their profits."
2021-10-20 13:52:48
What is Climate Justice?
Who is responsible for climate change and who should take the lead in trying to fix it?
2021-10-20 11:58:34
Is the UK's green plan enough to halt climate change?
Support for roads, aviation and fossil fuel drilling could undermine UK's green credentials at COP26.
2021-10-20 09:10:54
Climate change: Fossil fuel production set to soar over next decade
Government plans to extract coal, oil and gas are incompatible with safe temperatures, says the UN.
2021-10-20 04:08:20
'Delay Is the New Denial': Study Confirms 99.9% of Scientists Agree on Climate
"It's pretty much case closed for any meaningful public conversation about the reality of human-caused climate change."
2021-10-19 17:05:28
Climate change: Is the UK on track to meet its targets?
With weeks to go until the UK hosts a global climate summit, is the government on track to meet its own commitments?
2021-10-19 15:59:19
Net zero announcement: UK sets out plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions
The government reveals its long-awaited strategy days before global leaders meet for COP26 in Glasgow.
2021-10-19 15:58:38
Manchin Threatening Key Climate Provision: Reports
"To take it out is to decide that climate change isn't a problem."
2021-10-16 15:51:16
'Embarrassing': US Absent as World Joins Together to Protect Biodiversity
"It reinforces the notion that the U.S. is a fair-weather partner when it comes to environmental conservation, including issues of climate change," said one critic.
2021-10-15 12:20:55
Fossil Fuel Expansion in Africa 'Not Compatible With a Safe Climate Future': Report
"There is now little to gain and everything to lose from building new fossil fuel projects," said Oil Change International.
2021-10-14 12:20:47
Climate change: Carbon emissions from rich countries rose rapidly in 2021
Emissions from the richest countries are going up again this year as the global economy rebounds.
2021-10-14 04:00:15
Climate change in India: Teen inventor's solar-powered ironing cart
India's ironing vendors use charcoal as fuel, but Vinisha Umashankar's cart harnesses the Sun's energy.
2021-10-13 22:44:35
IEA Sends Clear Message to World Leaders: Stop Investing in New Oil and Gas
"It is now beyond doubt that there is no need for further coal, oil, and gas exploration if we are to avoid the most dangerous impacts of climate change."
2021-10-13 08:22:12
Climate change: 'Adapt or die' warning from Environment Agency
The Environment Agency says hundreds could die in a flooding event at some point.
2021-10-12 19:46:01
'The Burning of Fossil Fuels Is Killing Us,' WHO Warns in COP 26 Report
"Climate change is the single biggest health threat facing humanity," the U.N. agency says. "While no one is safe from the health impacts of climate change, they are disproportionately felt by the most vulnerable and disadvantaged."
2021-10-11 16:48:34
A Quarter of All 'Critical' US Infrastructure at Risk From Flooding: Report
"Our nation's infrastructure is not built to a standard that protects against the level of flood risk we face today, let alone how those risks will grow over the next 30 years as the climate changes," said one expert.
2021-10-11 09:25:07
'We Can Do All of It': Jayapal Urges Biden to Push for at Least $3 Trillion
"We can't pit child care against pre-K. We can't pit pre-K against climate change. We can't pit housing against immigration."
2021-10-11 09:23:22
Climate change: Prince of Wales sympathetic to protesters' anger
The Prince of Wales tells the BBC he sympathises with protesters - but any action must be constructive.
2021-10-11 05:53:58
'To Change Course of History,' US Climate Movement Takes Aim at Biden White House
Five days of direct action and civil disobedience are planned this week to denounce "broken promises" and demand ambitious action against the planetary threat.
2021-10-10 10:14:41
Climate change: Tracking China's steel addiction in one city
The BBC travels to Wuzhou to see how cities are grappling with climate targets and a "build" mantra.
2021-10-07 23:33:58
As CBO Shows How to Cut $1 Trillion From Pentagon, Progressives Urge Spending on 'True Security'
"Saving a trillion dollars that could be devoted to preventing pandemics, addressing climate change, or reducing racial and economic injustice is no small matter."
2021-10-07 18:07:15
Ros Atkins On... China's climate change promises
Ahead of COP26, Ros Atkins looks at what the world's biggest emitters are doing to tackle climate change.
2021-10-06 23:00:26
Climate change: Voices from global south muted by climate science
Climate academics from some of the regions worst hit by warming are struggling to be published.
2021-10-06 06:20:39
Life at sea by world's largest offshore wind farm in North Sea
Fancy a job with great sea views? Meet the engineers who maintain 174 turbines in the North Sea.
2021-10-03 23:01:02
What climate scientists can teach us about dealing with climate change doom
Climate anxiety is on the rise, so we spoke to climate scientists about what helps them deal with feelings of hopelessness.
2021-10-02 23:18:43
Climate change: Stop smoke and mirrors, rich nations told
Ministers meeting in Milan hear calls for sweeping carbon cuts ahead of the COP26 climate summit.
2021-10-02 16:14:50
Companies Vowing Climate Action Also Back Lobby Groups Trying to Kill Landmark Climate Bill
"Corporate interests will say or do anything to preserve the broken status quo, including lie to families that overdue investments in child care, education, and climate change are somehow not in their interest."
2021-10-01 09:52:25
Climate change: Youth have 'every right to be angry' says UK PM
Boris Johnson says leaders' "reckless actions" created the climate crisis and now is the time to act.
2021-09-30 14:08:36
Climate change: Ministers meet in Milan for pre-COP26
After the jeers of Greta Thunberg, minsters meet in Italy for the last UN talks before a major climate summit.
2021-09-30 03:37:47
Sanders Demands House Dems Vote Down Bipartisan Bill if Reconciliation Package Not Secured
<span>Sanders Demands House Dems Vote Down Bipartisan Bill if Reconciliation Package Not Secured</span> <div class="headline__field-author-profile"> <div class="field__item">Kenny Stancil</div>
2021-09-28 19:39:08
Climate Change: Don't sideline plastic problem, nations urged
Scientists fear plastic pollution will be overlooked as politicians focus on climate change policy.
2021-09-27 23:01:57
How climate change is making inequality worse, especially for children
Children will face up to three times as many extreme climate events as their grandparents, research suggests.
2021-09-26 23:13:26
Climate change: Whisper it cautiously... there's been progress in run up to COP26
Pledges made at the UN have lifted hopes for the Glasgow summit, but some major questions remain.
2021-09-24 23:55:47
'Coal Is Dead': New Global Pact Announced After China's Bold Step
<span>'Coal Is Dead': New Global Pact Announced After China's Bold Step</span> <div class="headline__field-author-profile"> <div class="field__item">Julia Conley</div> </div> <span>
2021-09-24 13:41:46
Climate change: Construction companies told to stop knocking down buildings
Britain’s top engineers are urging the government to stop buildings being demolished.
2021-09-24 00:05:11
Boris Johnson: Humanity is reaching a turning point on climate change
World leaders must make major changes in four areas - "coal, cars, cash and trees", Boris Johnson says.
2021-09-23 06:21:11
Gas price crisis: Government to pay millions to restart CO2 supplies
Taxpayers will foot a bill to open up a key carbon dioxide producer amid food supply and nuclear fears.
2021-09-22 07:09:41
Life at 50C: Heat hitting home in Australia
Cities like Sydney are already experiencing extremely hot days because of climate change.
2021-09-21 23:09:43
COP 26: How much is the developing world getting to fight climate change?
Are rich countries living up to their climate promises to the developing world?
2021-09-21 15:24:40
Why is there a CO2 shortage and how will it hit food supplies?
Carbon dioxide production will restart in two leading factories after a government deal to tackle shortages.
2021-09-21 14:44:57
Climate reporting reaches melting point
A trip to a melting glacier will shape how the BBC's new climate editor reports on climate change.
2021-09-21 01:08:19
The link between climate change, seaweed and ice cream
Seaweed production has been affected by warming seas – this is how farmers are adapting.
2021-09-18 23:07:27
Climate change: Should green campaigners put more pressure on China to slash emissions?
UK activists have protested on the M25, but should they instead be picketing China's embassy?
2021-09-18 01:01:07
Climate change: Biden urges world leaders to cut methane gas emissions
The president asks leaders to commit to cutting emissions by at least 30% below 2020 levels by 2030.
2021-09-17 16:10:19
Climate change: UN warning over nations' climate plans
Climate plans of more than 100 countries show we're heading in the wrong direction, the UN says.
2021-09-17 15:21:30
Dems Call Fossil Fuel CEOs, Lobbyists to Testify About Climate Disinformation
<span>Dems Call Fossil Fuel CEOs, Lobbyists to Testify About Climate Disinformation</span> <div class="headline__field-author-profile"> <div class="field__item">Jessica Corbett</div> </div>
2021-09-16 16:15:21
New Climate Analysis Shows Near Total Global Failure to Meet 1.5°C Targets
<span>New Climate Analysis Shows Near Total Global Failure to Meet 1.5°C Targets</span> <div class="headline__field-author-profile"> <div class="field__item">Andrea Germanos</div> </div>
2021-09-15 14:24:21
UN Report Calls for 'Repurposing' $470 Billion in Agriculture Support to Serve People and Planet
<span>UN Report Calls for 'Repurposing' $470 Billion in Agriculture Support to Serve People and Planet</span> <div class="headline__field-author-profile"> <div class="field__item">Jessica Corbett</div>
2021-09-14 22:29:00
Climate change: Young people very worried - survey
Over half of respondents in a survey believe humanity is doomed and governments are failing to act.
2021-09-14 05:10:58
Life at 50C: The toxic gas flares fuelling Nigeria's climate change
Joy and her family are among 2m Nigerians living within 4km of a gas flare in Nigeria's oil-rich south.
2021-09-13 23:08:00
Climate change: World now sees twice as many days over 50C
BBC research finds the number of days passing 50C has doubled in the past 40 years.
2021-09-13 20:35:05
Climate Emergency May Displace 216 Million Within Countries by 2050: World Bank
<span>Climate Emergency May Displace 216 Million Within Countries by 2050: World Bank</span> <div class="headline__field-author-profile"> <div class="field__item">Jessica Corbett</div> </div&
2021-09-13 20:31:10
Animal Agriculture Emits Nearly 60% of Greenhouse Gases From Food Production: Study
<span>Animal Agriculture Emits Nearly 60% of Greenhouse Gases From Food Production: Study</span> <div class="headline__field-author-profile"> <div class="field__item">Brett Wilkins</div> </di
2021-09-13 19:56:22
2020 Was Deadliest-Ever Year for Environmental Defenders: Report
<span>2020 Was Deadliest-Ever Year for Environmental Defenders: Report </span> <div class="headline__field-author-profile"> <div class="field__item">Brett Wilkins</div> </div> <span&g
2021-09-13 15:31:46
'I care about the climate but my dad works in the oil industry'
Stephanie worries about climate change, but her dad is a senior employee at BP.
2021-09-11 23:02:15
Climate change: Fossil fuels must stay underground, scientists say
Almost 60% of oil and gas and 90% of coal must stay in the ground to keep global warming below 1.5°C.
2021-09-08 23:03:59
Climate change: Vulnerable nations call for 'emergency pact'
The countries at greatest risk say all nations must take bigger steps to avoid climate catastrophe.
2021-09-08 00:09:53
Biden Admin. Requests Billions for Disaster Relief, Afghan Refugee Resettlement
<span>Biden Admin. Requests Billions for Disaster Relief, Afghan Refugee Resettlement</span> <div class="headline__field-author-profile"> <div class="field__item">Jessica Corbett</div> </div&
2021-09-07 23:39:54
Meat and Dairy Industry 'Fanning the Flames' of Climate and Biodiversity Crises: Report
<span>Meat and Dairy Industry 'Fanning the Flames' of Climate and Biodiversity Crises: Report</span> <div class="headline__field-author-profile"> <div class="field__item">Jessica Corbett</div> &
2021-09-07 17:15:13
Climate change: Dragonflies spread north in warming world
The expansion of dragonflies across Britain and Ireland is an indicator of climate change, say experts.
2021-09-07 08:36:39
Climate change: Green groups call for COP26 postponement
Vaccine inequality and travel challenges risk excluding many delegates from poorer nations.
2021-09-07 08:13:55
Climate change: Massive Attack gig data to cut live music impact
Artists should swap private jets for trains among recommendations from climate scientists.
2021-09-05 23:03:56
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